Living By Faith Blog


Biblical, battle-tested, real-life help for "living by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). — Steve Fuller

Promises for the Flu

Promises for the Flu

Last night my stomach started feeling queasy. REALLY queasy. I had the flu. So what does God promise to do for us at times like this?


Don’t face the lion without your sword

Don't face the lion without your sword

Satan is a lion seeking to devour us. Scripture is the Spirit’s sword which can protect us. Here’s a crucial step to make sure you’ve always got your sword with you.


Stop it!

Too many of us think the way to overcome sin is by doing what Bob Newhart says in this 2-min video. But that’s not what God says.


How Can We Obey the Golden Rule?

How Can We Obey the Golden Rule?

There’s one word in the Golden Rule we often miss — that makes a seemingly impossible command possible.


Spurgeon on Jesus’ Birth

Spurgeon on Jesus' Birth

Again and again I’ve been led to worship by reading Charles Spurgeon’s description of Jesus’ birth.


A ring-side seat for my battle against an idol

A ring-side seat for my battle against an idol

This morning I woke up worshiping an idol. So I thought it would help me — and hopefully you — to write a blow-by-blow account of the battle.


Sarah Edwards’ Experience of God

Sarah Edwards' Experience of God

Too often I settle for feeling nothing spiritually. That’s why it’s helpful to read about others’ powerful experiences of God — like that of Sarah Edwards.


I always only have one problem

I always only have one problem

Because of God’s promises in Scripture, I always only have one problem — and actually even that problem is taken care of by Him. This helps me live by faith.


How to live the Christian life

How to live the Christian life

For years I thought the Christian life began by faith, but then continued by will-power. Couldn’t have been more wrong


A promise for when you are tempted

A promise for when you are tempted

Living by faith means trusting God’s promises. Here’s what God promises for every temptation we will ever face.


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"I just found your blog recently, and I've NEVER found such clarity, understanding and comfort before." (Sarah)

"AWESOME. Going to mangle this sin tonight with the Promises of God." (Alec)

"If I could subscribe to only one blog, yours would be it." (Lyn)

"I think you are really on to something with this blog. I don’t know of anything else like it." (Doug)

"Excellent comment. Really well put and wisdom that is strangely lacking in much evangelical thinking." (John)

"Thank you -- I needed to hear this. So clear and concise yet captivating." (Stacey)

"Such a helpful post. I’ve bookmarked it and reread it two or three mornings just this week." (Doug)