Living By Faith Blog


Biblical, battle-tested, real-life help for "living by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). — Steve Fuller

Why Fast and Pray?

Why Fast and Pray?

Why is it so important to pray with fasting? Here’s what I’ve discovered —


How God Delivered Me From Trouble

How God Delivered Me From Trouble

Twice last week I faced trouble. But when I called upon God — He delivered me. Here’s what happened —


From My Wife: “How God Freed Me Through A Spiritual Gift”

From My Wife: "How God Freed Me Through A Spiritual Gift"

For months my wife felt discouraged in prayer. Here’s how God used a spiritual gift at our worship gathering to free her.


“Put on Humility.” Ok — but HOW?

"Put on Humility."  Ok -- but HOW?

What approach does the Bible give to help us grow in humility? Reading this could transform the way you obey God.


What Every Believer Can Experience Of The Holy Spirit

What Every Believer Can Experience Of The Holy Spirit

Someone once encouraged me to study the New Testament and ask — how much can believers experience the Holy Spirit? I was surprised — and stirred to seek more.


What Causes Conflicts? (It’s Not What We Think)

What Causes Conflicts? (It's Not What We Think)

We think we know the cause of our conflicts — but what James says might surprise you.


How Jesus Frees Us From Fear (4-Min Video — With French Fries)

How Jesus Frees Us From Fear (4-Min Video -- With French Fries)

Here’s what causes fear — and how Jesus frees us from fear — illustrated with French Fries.


Should We Be Motivated By Rewards From God?

Should We Be Motivated By Rewards From God?

Why are we so uncomfortable being motivated by rewards from God? Here’s one reason — and why that reason is wrong.


When Bible-Reading Doesn’t Help

When Bible-Reading Doesn't Help

Why does Bible-reading sometimes do nothing for us? Here are some reasons — and how to overcome them.


Worship God as Your Treasure with “Be Thou My Vision”

Worship God as Your Treasure with "Be Thou My Vision"

Let this powerful worship song set your heart back on your True, All-Satisfying Treasure — God Himself.


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"I just found your blog recently, and I've NEVER found such clarity, understanding and comfort before." (Sarah)

"AWESOME. Going to mangle this sin tonight with the Promises of God." (Alec)

"If I could subscribe to only one blog, yours would be it." (Lyn)

"I think you are really on to something with this blog. I don’t know of anything else like it." (Doug)

"Excellent comment. Really well put and wisdom that is strangely lacking in much evangelical thinking." (John)

"Thank you -- I needed to hear this. So clear and concise yet captivating." (Stacey)

"Such a helpful post. I’ve bookmarked it and reread it two or three mornings just this week." (Doug)