Jul 27, 2015 19
10 Clues That Something Has Become an Idol

How can we tell when something in our lives is becoming an idol? Here are 10 clues I am finding helpful —
Read More...Jul 27, 2015 19
How can we tell when something in our lives is becoming an idol? Here are 10 clues I am finding helpful —
Read More...Dec 4, 2014 4
Do you fight temptation like Moses did? If you don’t, then reading this could change your life –
Read More...Jul 17, 2014 7
Jun 6, 2014 17
There is a huge difference between half-heartedly resisting sin, and waging full-scale battle to destroy it. Here’s what happened yesterday –
Read More...Apr 25, 2014 9
Willpower alone can’t produce obedience because obedience includes feelings, and we can’t change feelings by willpower. But God has good news–
Read More...Apr 3, 2014 5
Feb 18, 2014 30
We know this is wrong, but what can we do? The author of Psalm 119 tells us, and it’s wonderful news.
Read More...Jan 30, 2014 10
Dec 19, 2013 24
It’s supposed to be easy. But too often it’s hard. Here’s why — and what you can do about it.