Living By Faith Blog


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A Worship Song to Strengthen Faith for the Mission


A Worship Song

For the past few weeks I have been preaching at the Off-Island Church in Abu Dhabi while Pastor Matt and his family are on vacation.

And I have been deeply stirred by a worship song we have been singing — Jeremy Camp’s “Overcome.”

Faith for the Mission

One way this song is stirring me is by strengthening my boldness in sharing the Gospel, so I thought I’d pass it on to you, with the prayer that God will do the same in you.

Ponder these lines —

He never sinned, but suffered as if He did

What a glorious Savior, who was willing to suffer the punishment we deserve so we can be completely forgiven.

This helps me feel how deeply lost people need Christ, and the worth of the salvation we offer them.

All authority, every victory is yours

Jesus, the One who has all authority, commands us, and authorizes us, to go into all the world and make disciples.

And because He has all authority, we will experience many victories, and we will see people freed from sin and brought to faith.

And even though we are involved, each victory is ultimately his — because He is the one who works through our love and witness to save people.

Savior, worthy of honor and glory

I love joining other believers in passionately singing that Jesus is worthy of honor and glory.

This helps me feel how right it is to tell others about Him, and stirs me with boldness.

We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony

This line is taken from Revelation 12:11.

Satan has been accusing us night and day before God.  But the blood of the Lamb destroys these accusations, so Satan is thrown down (Revelation 12:10).

Not only that, as we then share with lost people the word of our testimony, Satan’s purpose of deceiving the whole world is overcome, and men and women are saved.

But Satan’s deceptions will only be overcome, and men and women will only be saved, if we share the word of our testimony.

So be bold.  And share.



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Category: Help with Evangelism, Worship Videos


3 Responses

  1. Jim Schmechel says:

    This is definitely one of my favorite worship songs! I receive tremendous benefit from listening to Christian music. It amazes me how these talented artists can speak to us through their music! Clearly the Holy Spirit works through them, and for that I am ever thankful 🙂

    I will be bold, and share your blog post! Thank you for being bold and sharing this with us.

  2. We just sang this song last week in worship. As a member of our worship team helping our congregation connect to the lyrics of the songs we sing is an important part of our ministry.

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