Living By Faith Blog


Biblical, battle-tested, real-life help for "living by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). — Steve Fuller

Feeling Discouraged or Hopeless?

Overdid it

I love to ride my mountain bike.  But I’ve got a bad knee, so I must not overdo it.

A few years ago I was mountain biking at Lake Tahoe, and definitely overdid it.  My knee was hurting.  Bad.

Weeks went by, the pain continued, and it hit me — my mountain biking days were over.

I know.  You probably wonder what the big deal is.

But you mountain bikers will understand — when I thought of never again riding on a challenging trail with fantastic views, I felt discouraged — even hopeless.

But many of you face far more serious discouragements — a wayward child, terminal illness, chronic unemployment, or a loveless marriage.

So what’s going on when I feel discouraged or hopeless?

When I feel hopeless and discouraged it’s because when I look to the future — I see nothing that will bring me joy or pleasure.

All I see is pain and difficulty.

But there is good news.

What does God promise when we feel hopeless?

Here’s what Paul says in Rom 15:13 —

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Paul says God is a God of hope — which means those who trust Christ always have reason to be full of hope.

He also says God can change our discouraged hearts so we abound with hope.

How?  By the power of the Holy Spirit — who works “in [our] believing.”

When we turn our hearts to trust Jesus and His promises, the Holy Spirit will — in time — cause us to abound in hope.

So here’s how I pursued this when I felt hopeless about mountain-biking —

I turned to trust Jesus Christ just as I was.

We don’t need to get over our hopelessness first.  We can come to Him just as we are — thirsty (John 7:37), heavy-laden and needing rest (Matt 11:28), weak in faith (Mark 9:24).

So I turned to Christ and trusted Him to help me.

I confessed my sin of hopelessness to God.

Yes — hopelessness is sin.  Here’s why —

Hopelessness is feeling that nothing in my future will bring me joy or pleasure.  But if I feel that — then I’m not trusting Jesus as my all-satisfying Treasure.  Because if I was trusting Him, I would rejoice in the hope of beholding Him forever (Rom 5:2).

So the fact that I was hopeless meant I was trusting something else to satisfy me — something that was no longer in my future, like mountain-biking.  So the reason I’m feeling hopeless is because what I was trusting to satisfy me is gone — which shows that I’m not trusting Jesus to satisfy me.

But it’s sin to trust something besides Jesus as my all-satisfying pleasure (Jer 2:12-13).

So I confessed this to Jesus.  I asked Him to forgive me.  I trusted His death on the Cross to pay for my guilt.  I trusted His perfect life to cover all my sin.  I trusted Him to change me.

And by faith alone in Christ alone I was assured that I was completely forgiven, my sin was covered with His righteousness, and God was rejoicing to do me good with all His heart and soul (Jer 32:41).

I earnestly asked the Father to change my heart, by the power of the Spirit.

My problem was that I felt only loss — the loss of the pleasures of mountain-biking.  I felt that I had nothing exciting in my future.

But that was a lie.  I did have another pleasure — an infinitely greater pleasure.  The pleasure of knowing Christ.

But I wasn’t feeling that Christ was the greater pleasure.  So I needed a heart change.

We can’t change our own hearts.  But the Holy Spirit can.  And the Father gives the Holy Spirit to all who ask (Luke 11:13).

So I earnestly asked God to pour upon me the heart-changing work of His Spirit.

I set my heart on truths about Jesus, and prayed over them until I felt the Spirit changing my heart.

I sat at my desk and opened my Bible to truths that described Jesus as my all-satisfying Treasure — like 2Cor 4:16-18; Hab 3:17-18; John 17:24; Rom 5:1-2; Rev 1:5; Rev 5:9.

I prayed for the Spirit to soften my heart and open my eyes.  I thought intently about the truth of each verse.  I prayed for more help.  And thought some more.

This took time.

But slowly — slowly — I started feeling pleasure in thinking about Jesus.  Not huge — but more than I had been feeling.  That increased until I actually felt joy in beholding Him.  Over the next days I had times when I felt such joy in Jesus that I didn’t mind not mountain-biking again.

Now I could feel that my future involved the joy of beholding Jesus forever (Rev 21:22-23).

And I saw that any loss of mountain-biking would be used by Jesus to bring me even more joy in Him (2Cor 4:16-18).

The Holy Spirit had changed my heart — and my view of the future.

But maybe at this point you’re thinking — “My hopelessness is far worse than the loss of mountain-biking.  Could God restore my hope — after the loss of my husband?  The loss of my job?  The loss of my health?”

The answer is Yes.  Because even if your loss is huge, the joy of knowing Jesus is far greater.

That’s what Paul means when he says our trials here are momentary and light compared to the eternal weight of glory we will have in Christ (2Cor 4:16-18).

I also prayed that God would heal my knee.

God had changed my heart, so my hope didn’t depend on being healed.  My hope was in beholding Christ forever.

But still — I enjoyed riding my mountain-bike.  So I prayed for God to heal my knee.

And over the next months the pain slowly went away.  Now I am back to riding my mountain bike (but I’m being careful not to overdo it!).

So pray for whatever it is that caused your hopelessness.  Ask God to work in your finances, your employment, your health, your wayward child.

But at the same time, fight the fight of faith to keep trusting Christ as your all-satisfying Treasure.

Feedback?  Thoughts?  Comments?

I’d love to hear them — feel free to leave a reply below.  Thanks.

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And here’s some further reading you might find helpful —


(The picture is from

185 Responses

  1. stacy says:

    Hello Steve Fuller! This was really helpful. It takes time and sometimes the connections aren’t readily apparent to me, but God’s promises and the love of Jesus for me and all life’s situations is definitely a hope restorer (not sure that’s a word, at least not a proper one) & bringer of encouragement. I’m not exactly hopeless, but I’m not truly hopeful either… but God will bring me through like He always does. I’m so glad we don’t have to “fix” it before coming to Jesus…thanks! stacy

  2. Marcia says:

    I know what you say is true. I’ve lived in hopeless of sorts my entire life as one dream after another has been lost…Now, my hopelessness is great and I can’t get out. I can’t seem to internalize the truth that God loves me, and that knowing God brings me hope. I am 63 and can’t seem to find God!

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts, Marcia.

      Here’s what I am praying for you —

      “Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name, and ask that You would powerfully meet Marcia. You are the God of hope — and I pray that by the Spirit’s power you would enable her to abound in hope (Rom 15:13). Strengthen her trust in You through Your Word. Lead her to Scriptures which give her a taste of Your glory. Enable her to rejoice in hope of beholding Your glory forever. Pour Your comfort and love into her heart through Jesus Christ. Amen.”

      Marcia, here’s some Scriptures which the Father has used to give me hope when I’ve felt hopeless. I pray that they will encourage you as well — Psa 42:5; Rom 15:13; Jer 29:11; 1Peter 1:13.

      May the Lord comfort and encourage you,


      • LrD says:

        I don’t know if I believe in God anymore but Googled “hopelessness” tonight and read your story and then I read Marcia’s comment and find myself in the same situation. I am not the same age as Marcia but not too young either. I am also a parent and feel so hopeless that I think my child deserves a better parent. Nothing ever changes or it doesn’t change enough to give me encouragement that God wants things to be better or that God even exists. Life has never been great because of a very challenging marriage and then something happened approx. 3 years that further changed my confidence and self worth very drastically. I now find myself giving up and pretty much going through the motions of waking up, getting my child off to school, functioning like a zombie and then counting the hours until the day ends. I used to convince myself that God will make things better because I asked him to but eventually gave up. The damage of gossip and people’s opinions of my family that started three years ago is so serious that it continues to live on and never seems to stop or the damage is so strong that I feel like I am in a pit. I have fallen into so many destructive traps that I don’t even trust myself or people anymore. People that we hardly know have been able to define who we are based on lies and there seems to be no stopping them. I also find myself constantly in fear that my little child will never experience the wonderful kind of childhood that all children deserve. What’s even sadder is that she has no idea what is going on and why she has no friends. I feel like the light in my little girls eyes is gone and I am not enough to make things better because I can’t defeat an entire town of people that have negative opinions of us. We have been so severely rejected and gossiped about in our community that it has caused me to contemplate suicide. I thought about it tonight and the only thing that keeps me from doing it is not wanting my child to have a memory of her parent committing suicide so then I pray that God will give my child a better environment to grow up in even if it means having to let her go or God taking my life. If selling our home and relocating to another town was a reasonable option, I would do it but it’s not that easy. We put our house on the market earlier this year and not one offer came in and to be honest, I don’t want to have to pack up and move. I put a lot of love and time into our home and it seems wrong that evil people could run us out of a town.

        • Steve Fuller says:

          Hello LrD,

          I am very sorry to hear about the difficulties you are facing.

          A challenging marriage, whatever happened 3 years ago, the gossip from those around you, seeing your daughter’s joy lessen, and not being able to move — it all adds up to a very painful situation.

          But in spite of all of this, I would still urge you to trust Jesus Christ. Many people teach that God will make our circumstances better, but that’s not what Jesus taught. Jesus taught that sometimes he will, and sometimes he won’t, but we can always trust him to do whatever will bring us the closest to him.

          And that’s good news, because what’s most fulfilling and satisfying for us is closeness to God through Jesus Christ.

          So it’s possible that as you trust Jesus Christ, God will enable you to move or change the hearts of the people in the town. But to be honest, he may not. But he will use every trial to bring you closer to him, and will give you (and your daughter) all the strength you need, the comfort you need, the peace you need in the meantime.

          Joseph, in the book of Genesis, was taken from his family, sold into slavery, and thrown into a dungeon for years. But God had a plan for it all, as Joseph himself says in Genesis 50:20.

          I hope this helps some. Are you part of a church that loves Jesus Christ, loves others, and teaches the Bible? It would be so good to have some people who could pray for and with you through these hard times.

          And I will pray for you right now.

          In Christ,

          Steve Fuller

          • DL says:

            Hello, You responded to my comment a while back. Can you please pray for my family again. We were able to move. I am very depressed and worried about many things. My daughter is also going through a great deal. It’s actually too painful to type and very difficult to re-hash. I am on my knees praying often. I have confessed my sins/mistakes and want God to wipe away the past from people’s minds. When we learn from our mistakes, can we ask God to give us a “redo” allowing us to start clean with the people around us. I don’t know if this is part of God’s plan but it sure would help.

        • J says:

          Me too. Not the same circumstances, but the same feeling. What’s the point? Since I’ve committed my life to following Christ, it’s fallen apart in every way and I’ve lost hope. Prayer doesn’t work.

          • Steve Fuller says:

            Hi J,

            I don’t know what you’ve experienced, but it sounds like it’s been very difficult, and my heart goes out to you.

            But still, I’d encourage you to read what I wrote to Lrd above.

            Joseph’s life fell apart. So did Job’s. But God had a purpose for each of them.

            And as you trust Jesus Christ, you can be assured that he has a purpose for you, too — and that he will comfort you, strengthen you, and give you everything you need to fulfill the purpose he has for you.

            In Christ,

            Steve Fuller

        • jean says:

          I totally understand how she feels. Im a grandma and so depressed from the past things that have taken me apart. I don’t feel hope either. Move and start over with your child. The manger worked for one family. Find peace with your child as of course she needs you. It is ok to feel down and sad. look at this world. Save you and your daughter and forget the rest. The opinions of others just does not matter. You two matter and only you two. God Bless!

  3. Hilary says:

    Hi Steve,
    Thank you for writing this blog. I’m here, like so many others, just feeling very hopeless and overwhelmed. People in my life say that things will get better, but I don’t think they will, except maybe when I die. There is no money, we have more and more unpaid bills everyday, I can’t put my 3 kids into any activities, and everytime I leave my house things seem to be more and more expensive. I’m not even sure if my husband and I will ever be able to just “make ends meeet”. Sometimes I just want to ask God to “stop the world so I get off”. But I know can’t. I just feel really alone in all of this. I’m trying to praise God in all things. I just feel like giving up. I feel like a waste of space. There were so many things that I should have done differently in my life, and now my family is suffering for it. I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this. And on top of everything else, my husband is not a believer right now. I just don’t know what to do. Thank you for reading my comment. God Bless you

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Hilary —

      I am so sorry to hear about your circumstances. Sounds very, very difficult — and painful.

      I think the best thing I can do is pray for you — I hope you don’t mind.

      “Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name. Please, please meet Hilary today. Give her strength to seek You earnestly — to pour out her soul before You — to lay hold of Your promises.

      “Give her faith to believe that You will strengthen her faith (Mark 9:24). Help her see that in spite of past mistakes, You will still be faithful to all Your promises to her.

      “Comfort her in Your love. Strengthen her in Your promises. Satisfy her with Your presence.

      “And bring about a dramatic change in the heart of her husband, in their finances, in their whole situation — for Hilary’s good and Your glory.”

      As I wrote that I thought of a couple other posts you might find helpful —
      How my grandmother fought the fight of faith
      Promises for those struggling with unemployment
      Facing problems or trials?
      Are you discouraged in prayer?

      One more thing — are you in a solid, Christ-exalting and Bible-based church — where you can find a small group of earnest believers who will pray for you, encourage you, help you? That’s so, so important.

      Please let me know how things go —

    • Renee says:

      When I read your post, I felt like someone was reading my mind. I just finished a conversation with my husband saying almost word for word what you wrote here. I am a christian and I love the Lord, but I’m also feeling discouraged and hopeless about my future because of all the opportunities I missed out on in my life and the choices I made – I’m paying for them now and so are my 4 children. I’m recently married to a wonderful God fearing Man and I thank and Praise God for that, but for myself I feel a personal loss of the purpose and visions I once had for my own life. We are struggling and trying to make ends meet monthtly, we are trying to do all the things we are taught to do in terms of spiritual principles but, I just feel I missed my opportunities in life, I turned 40 a few months ago and I feel that it’s too late for me, that my only purpose now is to raise my children the best I can and stop worrying about trying to fullfill my own dreams and aspirations. I know I’m not speaking as a faith-filled woman of God, but this is honestly how I feel, heavy, tired and ready to “get off the world”. I wish I could say this feeling has only been with me for a while, but it’s been with me for many, many years. I’m wondering how you’re doing after the last few months since you’ve posted here.

      • Steve Fuller says:

        Hello Renee —

        Thanks for stopping by, and for sharing your encouragement with Hillary.

        Your situation sounds very difficult — discouraging — depressing.

        But — let me just share a few thoughts. (I am speaking to myself, too.) Because you are trusting in Jesus Christ — you can be assured that God loves you — and that He will meet you, strengthen you, comfort you, and bless you.

        I don’t know what that will look like. But He does — and it will be good. Very good.

        “Father, I ask that You would powerfully meet Renee today. Guide her to Scriptures on which she can meditate. Enlighten the eyes of her heart by the work of Your Spirit. Show her your mercy and grace and love.

        “Today — give her a sign for good. Strengthen her to hope in You even more. Satisfy her with Your nearness, Your love, Your beauty.

        “Provide finances. Give her wisdom about past vision and purposes. Bless her through her children and husband. Give her Your vision for the rest of her life.

        “In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  4. guin says:

    the past 2 years have been excruciatingly painful in book of job-like ways. living moment-by-moment. this article gently convicted and encouraged me to bring the ashes of my life continually to the GOD of hope. am so glad that you are using your gift of expression to point to Jesus. appreciate your prayers. thank you for sharing.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      I am so glad you found this encouraging, Guin. Thanks for letting me know — and I will pray for you right now. Keep us posted on how you are doing.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  5. Amy says:

    Im feeling so discouraged and hopeless, I dont know how to carry on anymore. My boyfriend of 6 years broke up with me, and its been about 5 months. He said he loves me when we broke up, and just needs time to find himself. Since then, he has been spending time with another girl and has seemed to have replaced me. I love him with all my heart but I dont see hope for a future with him because right now, hes not contacting me at all. I pray for hope and encouragrment. and that its in Gods will that this situation turns out for the best.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Thank you so much for sharing your heart, Amy.

      This sounds very painful, but Psa 42:5 says that we can always put our hope in God.

      Do you have some women around you who love Jesus and could pray with you and encourage you? Fellowship is crucial at times like this.

      I would also urge you to pour your heart out before God, through Jesus. Ask Him to help you. Ask Him to comfort You with outpourings of His love.

      He may or may not have your boyfriend come back to you. But what’s most important is that He will do whatever will bring you closer to Him.

      Keep me posted on how you are doing — and I am going to pray for you right now.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

      • Amy says:

        Hi Steve. Thank you for your reply so many years ago. It’s been an amazing ride and everything has worked out for the best. He never came back, but I have learnt so much about myself, my friends and family and about God. I’m truly happy and blessed, and if I have any advice for anyone that has gone or is going through through a tough break up, it gets way better and you will feel free and blessed when you put all your faith in God. Keep positive and don’t give up. Thanks again Steve. You’re advice helped me a lot.

  6. Liza Napier says:

    Somethings get me down, but this reminded me of where I am supposed to be putting my hope and expectations into , and that is Jesus Christ. I have always wanted to trust in Jesus but up till now It was only words, God used you to open my heart and really trust in him for a life only Jesus can provide. Thank you , I am hoping for the same changes you have been through, to find hope in Jesus Not all these worldly things that keep disappointing me.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Liza,

      It’s a joy to meet you and to hear your story. Thank you for your encouraging words. I am so glad you are growing in trusting Jesus Christ.

      He is worth it all!

      Steve Fuller

  7. Annette says:


    I was in a MVA 3 years and 2 months ago. I have done everyting there is to be done rehabilitation, surgery, etc. I was 30 when I got hit and now my life has become so,very very small. And I keep wondering why God has allowed this to go on for as long as this. I live in pain every day and am about 25% as productive as pre mva. I am single and I have accumulated so so many unanswered prayers, my hopelessness makes it difficult to get out of bed in the mornings.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Annette —

      I am so sorry to hear about your accident and what you have suffered as a result. I can understand how you would feel completely hopeless.

      But let me encourage you that God is faithful to His promises. As you are trusting Jesus you can know for sure that He is orchestrating everything to bring you more heart-satisfaction in Him.

      He will give you the strength, wisdom, finances, and peace you need — as you set your heart on Him and fight the fight of faith to trust Him.

      Are you part of a church family? If you had some sisters around you to help you look to Christ, it would help greatly.

      I will pray for you right now — please keep us posted on how you are doing.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  8. Alexis says:

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for your blog. I’m not hopeless, but my faith isn’t as high as I desire it to be. I have so many prayers for God and I know he will answer them in his timing. I just feel like I can always be better for God. I force myself to try to fall more in love with him. When he already loves me and I already love him. I want God to change me. Completely transform me by the renewing of my mind. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and a lot of insecurity. I want God to break every chain until God and I are one! I want to be the woman of God, He is calling me out to be. I don’t want to be scared to speak out and get out of my comfort zone. I’m tired of keeping to myself and not fellowshiping like I want to. A few weeks ago I was just focusing on the question; when am I going to meet the man of God I’m going to marry? After I realzied I should just focus on God and keep pursuing him and then he will give me the desires of my heart. I just have a deep longing for my soulmate, but I need to focus on Jesus. I’ve been very scared about my future. I’ve been praying on what’s God’s will for my life. It’s my first year in college and I don’t know which path to turn. I want to be successful and I want to help people. I feel I need a change of heart. I need to trust God will all of my heart and not lean on my own understanding. I want God to use me in a mighty way. I have some old friends that came in contact with me recently and they are saying that they are depressed and feel empty. I want to bring them to Christ. I want them to know Jesus and feel whole in their heart just like I did when I got saved. I don’t want my prayers to be weak. I feel like my prayers have been weak lately. I want God to speak through me and bless me with his spirit. He is not a spirit of fear so I don’t know why I’m always fearful.

  9. maria says:

    I feel hopeless today. I looked and listened to everyone in my family at our Christmas dinner and realized that I didn’t have the things everyone has (a significant other, kids, a good job, nice car, house, friendships, beauty, an education, talent ,brains,… I could go on and on). As happy as I felt to be around my family, I mostly felt depressed, ashamed. I do pray. I do believe in Jesus. I just feel awful, knowing I couldn’t be making him proud. I am not successful at anything, haven’t found my talent or my spiritual gift. I don’t make much money,and dont have many friends. I can’t help but feel hopeless. I am asking if you please pray a prayer for me? I pray the Lord will open my eyes and show me what to do with my life, I know he will also supply any tools I might need. I just want to be successful, in my family’s eyes, my eyes, and most importantly in Jeses’ s eyes. I’m 26.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Maria,

      Thank you so much for sharing your story.

      It sounds like you are in a difficult place, and I will pray for you right now. And did you have a chance to work through the steps I outline in this blog post? I am convinced that as we turn to God as we are, trusting that through Jesus we are forgiven and welcomed, and then fighting the fight of faith to trust God’s promises — the Holy Spirit will change our hearts and give us hope.

      I’d love to hear how God meets you in this process. And in the meantime, I will pray.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  10. kimberle says:

    I’m 44 and after 22 years of marriage my husband had yet another affair and we split up, it’s been 10 months and there is no chance of reconciliation. The love was gone years ago ,and now for the first time in my life I’m alone. I have kids yes but still feel alone. I feel I have no future and I know I’m doing things in my life I shouldn’t do and am working on that ,but why do I feel I will never be happy? Never know what love is? I want God in my life but I don’t even feel worthy of Him. I feel like I cannot be what He wants me to be. I know part of my problem is the life I’m living, it’s not what God wants but it feels like it’s all I know.people keep telling me I will find love ,that I’m pretty and smart yet I feel I’m a lie. No one knows my secret life and I am even ashamed to say it here.I just want a reason to get up in the morning ,I want to see that I do have a great future in front of me and that God has a wonderful plan for me, but I don’t feel that at all. I feel alone. I feel ashamed. I feel hopeless.I don’t want to feel this way but I have only known this feeling for most of my life. I have no family no friends ,nothing . I don’t even feel like meeting people at times. I don’t know what me writhing all this will do but I just want to reach out to someone .

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Kimberle,

      Thank you so much for sharing your heart and your story. I am very sorry to hear about your marriage. I have no idea how painful this must be — but my heart does go out to you.

      If my wife and I could be there with you, we would want to hear much more, weep with you, and just do a lot of listening. But we can’t be there with you, so I think the best thing I could do would be to point you to Jesus Christ — He cares about you deeply, He died so you could be forgiven and restored to God the Father, and it will be in the arms of your Father that you will be fully and lastingly comforted and satisfied.

      And don’t worry about being worthy of God’s love. Because of our sin, none of us are. But when we trust Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord, and Treasure, we are clothed with His perfect righteousness, and the Father accepts us as if we ourselves were perfectly righteous. So trust Jesus, and receive everything He promises to be to you.

      Are you part of a church community with some trusted women who will come alongside you, listen to you, weep with you, pray for and with you, and counsel you? That is crucial at a time like this.

      I will pray for you right now — please keep us posted on how you are doing, and how God works in your life.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  11. Paulette says:

    I just found your blog and have been reading through many of your posts. But this one in particular touched my spirit. I love The Lord Jesus…my faith and trust is in Him alone. But for so many years I have suffered with bodily afflictions and infirmities that prevent me from going out (especially when the weather is bad or cold). I don’t get to church often. I feel so alone and isolated. I have prayed for God to help me truly BELIEVE the promises are FOR ME PERSONALLY. But I can’t seem to connect with them in my heart. I guess I’ve grown hardened because of years of disappointment and discouragement despite all my prayers and crying out to God. I feel hopeless…to the point that I feel He doesn’t hear or has left me to suffer in my circumstance without any relief. I pray all the time to be filled with the Holy Spirit and that His Word would come alive and be “real” to me…but I still feel empty inside and hopeless. I am afraid that I do not have the Spirit of God within me…yet I YEARN for Jesus so badly. I am at the point where I feel this is God’s will for me and I just must accept this sad life. I want so much to feel His presence and know His JOY! I haven’t felt the joy of The Lord in many, many years. I try not to complain…but I am so tired of asking, waiting, hoping for answers and a change in my life, but things remain the same—both physically and spiritually. My life has become so dry and stagnant. I love God and His word…but I feel like its not REAL for me no matter how much I read, meditate and pray over the Scriptures. I so envy other Christians who experience the joy, peace and love of the Lord. I cry out to God to forgive my unbelief and make His word and His presence real to me…but nothing has answer. Please pray for me…maybe the Lord will answer your prayer for me. Thank you for your blog and posts…and for reading my post. God bless you.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Paulette —

      Thank you for sharing your story, and I apologize for taking so long to respond (I lost track of your comment and just saw it today).

      I will certainly pray for you. And are you part of a Bible-believing church which has some wise, Jesus-loving women who could pray for and with you? Fellowship is a crucial part of fighting the fight of faith.

      It might be helpful to read a post a wrote on “Promises for Those Disappointed by God.”

      And let Psa 13 and Psa 42 encourage you — both written by godly people who were hungering for God but not yet experiencing Him.

      And cling to Jesus’ promises in John 4:13-14; John 6:35; and John 7:37-38. Keep coming to Him just as you are — trusting Him to forgive you, change you, and satisfy you.

      I don’t know the time frame in which He will fulfill His promises, but He will fulfill them. And in the meantime, even your seeking of Him will be more satisfying than anything else.

      And please keep me posted on what He does for you (and consider letting us know on the Forums page — because lots more people will read your comments there — thanks!).

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  12. ajoe says:

    pastor i am completely dejected with sin. i am struggling with porn and masturbation. i prayed many times but again i do the same thing. i am tired. i feel guilty. why doesnt jesus deliver me. what should i do. i want to be delevered completely. pastor please help me. pls.pls. what should i do. pls pray for me.

  13. Keri says:

    I am hopeless because I feel as though nothing but bad things happen in the world. I have two very small children, and as a mother, I am horrified! It seems when I start to get to a good point, something else happens. I am trying my hardest to find hope, but the world is just too scary.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Keri,

      Thank you for sharing your heart. And I agree that the world is a scary place.

      What helps me is to see that God is in sovereign control over everything that happens, and to see His love as displayed on the Cross.

      So God is both sovereign and loving. Here’s what this means. Because Jesus died on the Cross, through trusting Him I am completely forgiven and accepted by God. AND He will let nothing come my way except what will bring me closer to Him, and He will give me grace to handle every trial.

      I pray that you can draw near to Jesus Christ, see and feel His love and power and glory, and “abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  14. E.M says:

    I am saved, and I love the lord as my personal savior.
    I have hope in Him in everything. But I sometimes feel discouraged. This is because my life doesn’t seem to progress. Its like I am stuck in a circle. I have no job, thus, I can’t effectively realize my ministry area of calling. I have been believing God to provide for me a job; pray with me. Majority of my age mates and college mates are doing pretty well. May God remember me.
    Thanks Steve

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Thanks for sharing your story, E.M.

      I will pray for you right now.

      And are you part of a church community who can be praying with you and encouraging you through this tough time? That is so important.

      And keep fighting to trust God’s promises which are true in Christ. He is being faithful to you, even during this season. You might want to read my post on “Promises For Those Struggling With Unemployment.”

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  15. lorrainekashdan says:

    Hi Steve, I’ve been reading your blog for some time now and I find it incredibly balanced and encouraging. In the above blog you write about pressing into God to be all you need when your knee failed but you do not mention healing.please help me, I am at the stage where I have relapsed into an illness I was once healed from, walking is painful to the point where normal functioning is no longer possible. Pain affects my moods and makes me snappy. All of this could be easily overcome by purchasing a powered wheelchair. I occasionally borrow one so know how much it improves my joy and relationship with my two young children. However, I feel almost persecuted by other Christians who feel I have in’ to the illness by even mentioning it out loud. Please help me to get some perspective on this. I don’t want to give in to the illness but I was already healed once and enjoyed it very much. I enjoy life and feel grateful am here – but it does not seem like God’s time to heal & I don’t want to deprive my children of a fun mum by insisting on not using a wheelchair just because it might be a ‘confession’ of the illness. Please help – I’m SO confused!

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Lorraine,

      I am so sorry for the pain and difficulty you are having in walking. I see no problem at all with you purchasing a powered wheelchair.

      I do believe we should pray for God to bring supernatural healing. But it’s not a matter of unbelief to understand that God might choose not to heal us, and it’s not unbelief to purchase a wheelchair.

      I did write a blog post on what it means to pray with faith, and a post on whether praying in faith means believing God will always give what you are asking for — you might find these helpful.

      I hope this encourages you, Lorraine, and let me know what other questions you might have.

      (And feel free to post questions on the Forum page, since more readers will see and respond to your questions if you post there.)

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

      • Anonymous says:

        Lord bless u, Steve…I woke up this morning unable to breathe very well from emphysema episode. Our precious Lord has filled my heart with joy already several times today…I might not be healed, but I know He’s real! He has’nt answered every prayer in the way that I would like, but I know His presence. He causes my heart to sing when I have no voice. How amazing He is.

  16. juann says:

    I do believe in God but this hopelessness that I have is really starting to eat me up. It’s not just unemployment or bad health or anything to be exact. I’m just hopeless, simply hopeless. I’m almost 24 now. Not good at my studies(don’t know if I’ll ever graduate), do not have a wealthy background financially, not good at music, or any sort of art, not physically strong or fit, not healthy, and not good looking either….. a total no-future guy. I’m begining to think how I will survive the world. Don’t want to end up a junk.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Juann,

      Thank you for sharing your story.

      Here’s my thoughts. The reason you are hopeless is because you are looking to things that can’t give you hope. Money, studies, music, art, health, looks — none of those are worth hoping in, because none of them can give you an all-satisfying future.

      But Jesus Christ can and will give you a future in which you are filled to overflowing with joy — in Him. And you don’t need to wait until the future, because He will give you a heart-filling taste now.

      Once you set your hope on Him, then He will guide you to pursue whatever He has called you to do. If it’s studies, He will give you grace to work hard. If it’s music, He will give you whatever level of success He has chosen for you.

      But your joy and satisfaction won’t be found in studies or music — it will always and only be found in Him.

      I hope this helps. Let me know what you think.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  17. Sharmaine says:

    Hi Steve!

    Your story is really inspiring. I’m happy that I can be able to share to you my thoughts. I really feel so hopeless in everything I do. I’m good in my studies and a good athlete also. I love doing things like baking but I just feel that nobody appreciates me. I think everything that i have now is not enough. I am really pressured but nobody is pressuring me. I want everything tobe okay. I can’t accept disappointments and loses hope immediately. I love God so muchbut evrytime I get closer to Him, it seems like there’s something that is pulling me back and then I got back to zero. I can’t trust anyone but myself because i’m afraid and I don’t know why. I’m so insecure by my classmates’ slim bodies, talents even in their love life i get jealous. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m scared to be really close to God because if He would test me, i might fail because I easily lose hope. I want people around me to be happy, be proud of me and appreciate me. I just want to be optimistic and really be close to God without being afraid. I want to have a healthy relationship with Him. I want to talk about my sadness and my happiness with Him but I don’t know how to start. Hoping for your response, thank you!

  18. Sharmaine says:

    Hi steve!

    I’m sorry for the error in my previous comment. I really like your story and thank you for making me able to share my thoughts with you. I’m a Christian girl who knows much about God and of course I love Him. It’s just sometimes when i’m trying to be really close to Him, there’s something that’s pulling me back. I’m now scared to get back to Him because every time I do, i think i’m getting worse. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m very insecure by my friends. In terms of their lifestyle but i’m better from them in terms of studies but i think it is not enough to be satisfied, it seems that they don’t have any problems but me i’m so pressured and there’s no one pressuring me. I just want my family be happy, be proud of me and appreciate me. I want to have a healthy relationship with Christ without being scared at all. I just don’t know how to start even though i’ve tried it many times.

  19. DONNA says:

    I believe in Jesus and know that he died for me on the Cross for my sins, but i have always gone my own way,which in turn has destroyed me. i feel so broken because my 8 year relationship came to an end 4 months ago, last year we had a really bad time,i took all my anger and frustrations out on him, until one day he couldn’t take it any more and left me.I didn’t know where he had gone and he dodn’t contact me for about six days before he said he wasn’t coming back, then we started to work things out and every thing was going so well and then bang,I blew up for him not turning up when he was meant to, you see for a big part of the relationship i blow up and he runs and then will not contact me for day’s its been seven now, i’m here trying to look after three kids and it is so hard because all i want to do is cry. I can’t handle any more run of’s it hurts to much and who knows what he is really up to i’m trying to let him go but i really don’t wont to i love him so much, i asked God for peace and i’ve asked him to help me let him go on one hand but on the other i have asked if he could change our hearts work on both of us and then bring us back together. what if this is not Gods will i don’t think i can handle that. where is the hope if every thing you pray for is always answered no.

  20. Dan says:

    I enjoyed your thougths and reading the comments. I’m a bit (!) older and any “hope” of mountain biking is way gone!! (Walking more or less upright is a great joy!). I think we need hope for the long haul….and we need resources for discouragement that work as well when they give us our first walker or tell us we are down to a matter of days left here. I don’t mean to be grim….but hope that fades when this earthly life fades might be less than the hope Jesus gives!! ” set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed..” 1 Pet. 1:13. Fully sounds pretty comprehensive. That’s our new-birthright in Jesus. Blessings!!

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Dan,

      I love your reference to 1Peter 1:13. You are exactly right — all of our hope should be centered on beholding Jesus in glory forever.

      And that hope shines all the brighter as we draw nearer to eternity.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  21. Don says:

    Hello Steve,

    I am writing today because I’ve never in my 54 years felt as hopeless or as lost as I do today. My life has been in a downward spiral for the last year and that if my life continues on its current path I’ll be dead, homeless or both in the next 6 months. I feel that I am a 1000 miles away from where I should be at this point in my life. My wife of 20 years has met another and left me. I have only an acquaintance or two and no one I can really talk to about life. My wife and her family were my whole world. I have no family of my own. When my kids spend half the week with their mother the loneliness that I feel is suffocating. I just want to hide in my room with the curtains drawn and never come out again. My finances are a complete shambles and unpaid bills are piling up and my savings are almost wiped out. I owe back taxes that I don’t know how I’ll pay them. I have no energy despite my daily efforts to eat right and excercise.

    I am one of the hardest working people I know but I only seem to be going backward in life. I have thoughts of ending my life. I think it would be beneficial for my children to have my life insurance money. The love I have for my children (14 &16) is the only thing that keeps me from driving off a cliff. Than I think that maybe it would be the highest love I could give my children is to be gone and then they won’t know how big a loser their dad really is.

    I long for the soft touch of a woman. To hold someone’s hand. For a hug. When I go to the grocery store I try to just brush my hand against the cashier’s when they hand me change just to feel that touch. Even if it’s just for that half a second. For a woman that could prepare a meal for us where I could once again enjoy a Sunday dinner with my boys and a companion like a real family. I can’t cook a lick.

    I don’t know what to do. Where to go. I’m tired, lonely beyond words, broke and beaten. I have screamed out to God in the middle of the night to please help me. Please guide me. Please tell me what I should do. But there is only silence.

    Any advice you have would be appreciated. I raise the white flag. I have nothing left. Nothing. Thank you if you read this. It’s good of you to help others,

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Don,

      My heart breaks for you, brother. I am so sorry for the losses and sorrows you carry.

      All I know is that God is faithful. As you trust Christ, the Father is caring deeply about you. Although it doesn’t look like it at all, He is working all of this to bring you the great good of more of Him.

      Fight the lies telling you to end your life. Can you find a church nearby where there might be a few humble, wise brothers who can pray with and for you? It might be worth finding a biblical counselor who could help point you to the Father during this painful time.

      I will pray for you right now. Please let me know how things go for you.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

    • Greg says:

      Hi Don,

      My heart just broke as I read your message. I just prayed for you that God would touch and comfort you in a special way. God is near those with a broken heart.

      May God comfort you, bring tears of joy, and His peace into your life.


  22. Meken says:

    God bless you Steve. May He surround you with people who will lift you up as you are lifting others.
    Having acne/allergy-not sure which-tired of medication, totally waiting on God. It discourages me to look in the mirror. I’m a young lady and would like to enjoy my youth with healthy skin. Doing what nutritionists advised and waiting. My Lord Jesus has encouraged me through you.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Meken,

      I am so thankful that the Lord encouraged you through this post. Thank you for taking the time to let me know — and may the Lord continue to bless you, strengthen you, satisfy you fully in Himself — and help you with your acne/allergy issues.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  23. Geri says:

    hi Steve,

    your blog has been such a life saver in that I have been reading the different articles the past few days and I tell you the things that had my heart entwined are falling off because as I read your passages I am at the same time pouring out my heart to God and confessing the sin and telling God how i feel and also identifying the causes therefore the burdens are being lifted.

    This one in particular I have been dealing with for a while now this discouragement-hopelessness one. Its a silent killer and like Don I can identify with exactly what he is going through although i havent lost a wife or spouse I am 28 and single but when you have things that you have been praying to God for and hoping in him for and it just seems like a never ending story its quite hard to look on the bright side.

    But i am glad I am made aware by the verse you mentioned from Romans that through His spirit He(God)Romans 15:13 will help me. I think i was trying to come to him having first got rid of the hopelessness. now my mind keeps defaulting to the thought that well you’ve tried this before trusted/leaned on God and nothing happened so its kind of like my heart is broken in that area and so does not want to go there again and believe God but i will confess and tell Him this cause only He can renew my heart and mind and spirit.

    But thank you, its so therapeutic to have come across your site it really is for us that are sick/wounded in our Spirits and need healing and help and have tried and looked elsewhere for the help we can only get from Christ.

    It feels good to know someone out there completely identifies and has been able to prescribe effectively what to do from the word of God how we should deal with these issues.

    Thank you and God bless you!

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Geri,

      Thank you so much for opening your heart and sharing your story. And you are so right that we don’t need to get rid of our hopelessness first — we bring it to Him and He will change our hearts and strengthen our faith.

      May the Lord richly bless you,

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

      • Paula says:

        I too struggle with hopelessness. what i think we all here need to realise is that God wants to use the faillures, the broken… Look at the early Christians. There ONLY thought was Christ, and the spiritual walk 0 N L Y
        We are ALL so far away from what a true ‘christian’ is supposed to be – we use the word lightly, as if we can wear it as a label without fully ‘walking the walk’. #
        to be a christian is to liv so fully in the joy of christ that if we had to choose a pleasant life without christ or aspear in the side with christ we would choose the latter. And we wil all die. so why not choose christ now. the physical pain will come anyway – the super horror of death or the gratefull surrender to christ. I am thankful I have lost my job and am closer to the true perspective of life because of it. All earthly pleasures are a deceit. Having said that though, friendship and love are necessary and christ wishes us to have – I would pray for love in this man’s life who sees his kids half the week – hey man you see them half the week praise god for it love them fully for those 3 and a half days and be the father they need!!!!! they need a father not money!!!! get those suic ide thoughts out your head —- love and blessings to you

  24. franklin says:

    hello steve thanks for your blog is really touching,my story is a story of a lost boy right now , am 26 and am in my final grade in college, in 2010 i had the worst anxiety ever the fear of dying for no cause, it started with me having malaria, it affect my whole life, when i taught i was going to die,i had anxiety disorder, lost my self , i really struggled hard , cried all day for Gods healing, prayed for months, to God be the glory he did a wonderful miracle and healed me, before my healing i asked God to forgive me all my sins and promised to stop my ad ways, he kept his promise and saved me, ut i never kept mine, i went into sin a year later after the great things he did for me, 2012 my anxiety came back and hit me hard, i prayed and was delivered by his grace and made a promise, i know am not perfect, i disobeyed God and went back to my old ways now, last month july 2013 i got ill from malaria and was scared to die , and got the anxiety back , have been fighting this fight of believing that God will save me, cos he did something great for me last week a sign that i will be saved from my worries, but each time i believe am going to be ok, the devil scares me away with a tiny voice that “this time i wont be saved cos this problem is greater than the others which i know this one is not but my faith is falling, have promised God this time never to turn back to sin but to follow his ways ,am scared and want you to pray for me and advice me on how to keep my heart believing nothing is wrong, is not been easy, i cry all day or God to heal me and save me from this words of me not bein saved cos am in my final grade in college dont want it to come between me and my exams just want to trust in God and going on living a Gods fearing life, i know God loves me cos he has done so many wonders for me, and am also into music, i know this a form of distraction from the devil that i wont be a success that i will continue to leave in fear,and once more steve please ask God to save me and i have a girlfriend who i love so much she is scared of sometnhing wrong happening to me i love her so much, that each time i think of her i get scared of something happening to me not to loose her or get her scared of my problems , i have promised God not to go into any form of sin with her and she loves God too i want to get better soon please advice me on what to do steve please and God bless you.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Franklin,

      Thank you for sharing your story. It is encouraging to hear how the Lord has worked in your life. But it sounds like it would help if your understanding of Jesus was strengthened.

      Try searching on LivingByFaithBlog using the words “assurance” and “salvation.” Look especially at “My Response to ‘How Do I Know I Am Saved?'”, parts one and two. See if that helps you some.

      And are you part of a Bible-teaching and living church? It’s crucial to receive regular teaching from God’s Word, and to have some godly and humble men who will pray with and for you.

      Let me know how God continues to work in your life, brother.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  25. CMH says:

    Hi, I trust in The Lord my God with all my heart, I feel and experience his joy most of the time, I have my ups and downs in life like all of us, but because of my love, perseverance, joy and faith in God I have learned to overcome them and follow the will and path The Lord has for me, it all comes down to his will and at his time not mines. But there are times in which I let my earthly emotions loose, I work in what we call corporate America and I just can’t get over or tolerate the hypocrasy, greediness , selfishness, the blame game, and self centered personalities of many or most of the people in corporate America, in many occasions I confront them in a spiritual way to show them they are wrong and that we should treat each other with kindness, respect and the way we like others to treat us, our children and/or our familly members. Am I doing wrong by confronting people that way? I just do not like injustice or people treating people differently because of their titles or positions in life, people need to treat others the way they like to be treated not based on person a or b’s title or position in life, we are all sons and daughters of the same God. God bless each and everyone of you, trust in The Lord your God with every fiber of your heart and at his time and as per his will he will give you the strength and joy to support the trials of this earthly life, persevere, keep pressing on and God will do inimaginable things you would have never dreamed of, but first we need to pass our Lords test, it may take 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years and a lot of trials, but he is with you, but it’s at his time not yours. It took me over 40 years ( of many trials and bumps along the road) to truly and constantly feel and experience the true joy of our Lord and to have a relation with him that I would have never imagined. God bless

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi CMH,

      Thank you for sharing your story and raising some important questions.

      Here’s what I’ve found helpful as I have battled some of the same issues.

      It starts with seeing that I am a sinner just like everyone else, and that all I deserve is eternal punishment from God. This humbles me and puts things in perspective.

      Then by faith alone I am assured of forgiveness and reconciliation with God through Christ’s death on the Cross. I remember that He saved me, changed my heart, and gave me faith and repentance. This helps me see that anything good in me is a blood-bought gift given to me through Jesus Christ.

      Then I fight the fight of faith to have my heart be filled to overflowing with the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. When that happens, I am able to forgive those around me who do wrong to me or others.

      And then, with my heart humbled, grateful to my Savior for salvation, and filled with God’s love — I can prayerfully decide if and when I need to speak to someone about their sin.

      I don’t speak to them to get back at them. Revenge is God’s job (Rom 12:19). But God might use my words to help bring an unbeliever to faith, or to help a believer grow stronger in faith.

      I hope this helps. And again, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  26. Mimi says:

    Hello Steve,

    Thank you for sharing your story and words of encouragement. I feel totally hopeless today. I’m 30 and have been fighting a cancer for more than a year now. I’ve prayed, tried to get treatments. One day I’m better and the next am back. I just can’t stop wondering why God allowed this to happen to me. Am I so bad that that was the best way He could find to talk to me? I’ve claimed His promises to no avail. I’m married with two little boys to care for and I’m getting quite depressed.
    I will do my best to follow the guide you provided in the post. I’ve already asked Jesus to forgive me, now I need the Holy Spirit to help me take off my eyes from this sickness and look up to Jesus.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Mimi,

      My heart goes out to you, Mimi, because of the difficulty of your cancer and the stress of caring for you two little boys.

      You ask if you are so bad that this was the only way God could talk to you. But that’s not how God wants us to see trials.

      All of us have been so bad that we have faced eternal hell, but God loves us so much that He has made a way for us to be completely forgiven, clothed with Jesus’ perfect righteousness, filled with His love, and enjoying His presence forever. So there is no more condemnation or punishment for anyone who trusts Christ.

      At the same time, God promises to lovingly and wisely bring us trials that He will use to bring us even more joy in Him, now and forever. That’s how you should view your cancer. He can and might supernaturally heal you. He might use doctors to heal you. Or he may lovingly and wisely choose not to heal you.

      But whatever He does, it’s from His perfect love and wisdom and will be a gift to you of more of Himself — as you let this trial lift your eyes to see God all the more clearly (2Cor 4:16-18). As you fight the fight of faith, He will give you all the grace you need to trust Him. He will also provide all the wisdom and strength and finances you need.

      But the point of this and every trial is to bring us more of Himself — because He is our all-satisfying Treasure.

      I hope that encourages you and strengthens your hope.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  27. Lucinda Kisip says:

    Hi Steve,

    the steps in your blog have really hepled me to refocus on where my focus has been-not on Christ, but on a job.

    I was depressed because I don’t like my current job and have not been successful in securing a new job that I recently submitted an application for.

    I thank God for directing me to this blog. I am playing the guitar tonight and leading my family in praise and workship to the God that supplies all my needs.

    Kind Regards,

    Lucinda Gulluman Kisip
    Port Moresby
    Papua New Guinea
    South West Pacific

  28. Matt D. says:

    Hey Steve,

    I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this because I’ve felt the exact same things. I’ve read through some of the comments and I’m sitting here full of tears man. It’s as though everyone that has spoken has read my mind and said everything that I’ve wanted to say. I’m a 37 single man with no kids, no wife and my vision for life has been distorted in so many ways. I have so many talents that I just don’t know what to do. I’ve lost part of my singing voice over the past couple of years and everything from my finances, purpose, job and gifts is stagnant. I’ve been in the same place year after year. I know by the grace and mercies of God that I’m going to get through it and look back on this and laugh…..but overall I ask myself when and how long will I be in this state before I see the promises that the Lord speaks of in His word. I believe it but sometimes I get so discouraged because of the things I do (my sins) and it’s as if they set me back every time. I try to make it a habit of speaking the Lord’s promises every morning and even when I get home from work and truly just believe but sometimes I just get discouraged. I want to make a difference where the Lord wants me to and be a light unto the world but sometimes I just feel weary. I keep disappointing God…..I could go on and on about these things and I definitely don’t want to have a pity party because like I said before, I know God is able. So I just want to thank you again for sharing your feelings through this. I was convicted to ask for forgiveness as well for my discouragement, hopelessness, procrastination, complacency and worrying. I too just want God to change my heart. May the Father bless everyone who commented here abundantly and show them the way. I love you all and again I appreciate you Steve. May God continue to bless you abundantly.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Matt —

      Thank you so much for opening your heart to us and sharing your story.

      I appreciate your honesty, and and glad for your confidence that God will fulfill all of His promises.

      Your times are in His hands (Psa 31:15); every trial is a gift from Him of more of His glory now and forever (2Cor 4:16-18); and He will make known to you the path of life (Psa 16:11).

      And in the meantime do whatever you do with all your might, knowing that God will richly bless you in it and for it (Col 3:23-24).

      I’m going to pray for you right now — that the Father will comfort you, strengthen you, encourage you, guide you, and most of all satisfy you even more in Himself through Jesus Christ.

      In Him,


  29. Ron says:

    Hello Steve,
    Thank you for writing this article about discouragement. I’m 61 years old. In the last year or so I’ve seen things I’ve labored at over a lifetime fall apart. Marriage, family, job, my nation. You’re correct. I am in sin because I don’t look to Jesus the Christ for my meaning, purpose, whatever you want to call it, in life. I forget that this earth will pass away – everything will be gone. Everything I’ve built, labored on, etc will vanish. Very sad but true. I need to humble myself before God, the Father, and get my heart wrapped in that truth – impossible without the Holy Spirit’s help. I am not “there” yet. It does take time. It is painful.
    Thank you,

    Frustrated Soul
    Missouri, USA

    • Paula says:

      there will come a time when all of Christ’s chosen will feel the bittersweetness of the passing of the physical universe, and then rejoice forever with him

  30. Quentin says:

    This post really uplifted my spirit. I’m getting out of the military in a few months and thought of the future and the uncertainty and really became discouraged. I’m married and am the only worker in our relationship right now, while she finishes her last year of college. I really let the devil get me down, and reading your post helped me see the light that God gives to people. Your words were encouraging and needed. I don’t know you, but I believe that God comes in so many forms at the right time, I appreciate you sharing so much on here and i will be a daily check-in from here on out. I just ask that you say a prayer for my journey within the next few months and beyond. I’m a little jumpy about it, but I ask that God restores and strengthens my hope and trust in him. Thank you a lot, and again, please pray for my wife and I .

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Quentin,

      Thanks for taking the time to let me know that this encouraged you. I will pray that God strengthens your trust in Christ, and that you can rest in all of His wonderful promises to you as you and your wife anticipate the future.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  31. Tsolo says:

    Greetings in Jesus name
    I’m a born again christian and yet the challenges of disappointment are all over me more than before I was saved. I am pleading for help with how to live a righteous healthy life where by exercising faith the situation will change. Currently my life is like candle in the wind. Please help me to know how to change my life situation by faith and through Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Tsolo,

      I hope the information on this website will help you. And are you part of a loving, Bible-teaching and Bible-living church? It would be helpful to have other believers praying with and for you as you seek to grow in trusting Jesus Christ.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  32. Tammy says:

    Thanks for posting such a great post. Sharing your pain and healing has helped a lot of people.

  33. TJ says:

    Steve, your words are so true. Thank you for sharing with us! I recently asked the Lord to move in my life where I needed to focus on Him more. That same day, I was let go from my job. I definitely look back & see that I was putting my job priority over the focus on God. Now I’m unemployed and I’m constantly in prayer for Him to put me where His will is to have me be. I won’t deny there are periods where I have anxiety, frustration, or sadness, but I know (as Ephesians 3:20 says) that “God can do anything, far more than I can ever imagine, guess, or request in my wildest dreams.” I believe He will not abandon me and the more I focus on Him, the more I will find my happiness in life, with my family, and eventually, in a new job with which He has blessed me. In order to have God give you blessings, your hands must be open. He took me out of a job that wasn’t meant for me and now my hands are open to receive His blessings again…all the while, I’m focused on the true love which is Christ and his Father.

  34. Tsolo says:

    Greetings in Jesus name. I would like to know how do i rejoice in God promises faithfully while i havent delivered from the family and witchcraft curses yet?

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Tsolo,

      I am sorry for the delay in answering — somehow I overlooked your comment.

      It sounds like you are asking how you can trust God’s promises, when you are still facing problems brought about by family and witchcraft curses. Am I understanding correctly?

      Without knowing all the details, here are some suggestions (and correct me if I’m misunderstanding something important):

      Start by turning your heart from the spirits and everything, else, and trusting Jesus Christ as your Savior, Lord, and all-satisfying Treasure.

      The moment you sincerely turn to Christ, Satan no longer has any authority over you. You are completely forgiven, born-again, and God’s unstoppable power is at work in you now and forever.

      So if that’s the case, then why do you still have problems? It’s because God allows believers to go through problems — as a way to draw us even closer to him, to strengthen us even more, and to display even more of his goodness.

      It’s not that Satan has more power than God. In the book of Job, Satan had to ask permission to bring trials upon Job. And God gave Satan permission — and powerfully worked through those trials to bring Job great good in God.

      So pray for God to take away the trials. And fight to trust him for whatever he chooses to do.

      I hope this helps.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  35. Kevin says:

    HI Steve,

    I beg for your prayers. I am 31 years old.

    Back in 2003 I married my beautiful wife. As any couple wants we wanted children. We found out around May 2005 that we would never be able to have children. I began praying that the lord would heal me. I am really involved in my church and 1 day the lord did heal me. In February 2008 the lord blessed with a beautiful little girl. Since then we have had 2 other girls. I am the father of 3 beautiful girls when I wasn’t supposed to have any.

    I am having some severe money problems this week. My checking account currently shows a negative balance of close to 800 dollars. I am working on getting it resolved. We struggle all the time. It rains on the just and the unjust. Please help me pray that I can provide what my children need. I can live without but my children can’t.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Kevin,

      I rejoice with you in God’s healing, but grieve with you in your present difficulties.

      I *know* that as you continue to trust Jesus Christ, God will be faithful to you. He will give you wisdom (Psa 25:8-10). He will provide every cent you need to have the greatest joy in Him (Matt 6:33). He will strengthen you (Phil 4:13). He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what He, by His grace, will enable you to bear (1Cor 10:13). And most of all, as you look to Him, He will help you, comfort you, and satisfy you in Himself.

      And He will do all this at exactly the right time and the right way.

      I will pray for you right now — and please keep me posted on what God does for you.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

      • Kevin says:

        Hey Steve,

        It is Kevin once again. Back on August 21, 2013 I told you about all of my money problems. Well I am pleased to tell you today that I am debt free (besides my original mortgage) and I am moving into a bigger home for my family. God worked everything out and now I am really good financial shape. ANYBODY THAT NEEDS HELP FROM GOD HOLD ON HELP IS ON THE WAY.

  36. nessie says:

    Hi Steve,

    I really don’t know how to start. I am really in emotional pain in related to workplace. I am dealing a toxic peson and it has been more than 7 years…to make it short, I deal with her and nothing really change….for the past days…I was in confusion and have a hard time expressing my emotions…and i have to face it what really bothering me and it was more on fear and scared to work with her because she like to put me down and all the toxic behavior. My manager is aware what is going on and I asked for help…but, it is really causing me a lot of fear and this morning the lord has spoken to me through our speaker on Psalms 27 and I know the Lord has been continually working in me to comfort me. Hours ago I was crying intensely because the pain and hopelessness was too much for me to I cried unto HIm telling Him that I have hard time beleiving His promises and the fear that I have to go throught this emtional pain on my own…I told Him in my anguished that I feel I was to be blame and no vindication and i have to suffer the consequences…I keep on surfing and read articles to help me chunk my emotional pain into pieces because I have difficulty in embracing the pain…so, I accidentally saw your websites and your article…

    I read slowly and I like when you wrote, “This took time.” This time, the truth sinking in slowly. I think, I was asking God to relieve all the emotional pain immedialtely, yet, it was something that I need to learn about slowing down and the proces of greiving and stress…
    I want to let you I am still stress AND scared (fear) yet,this will take time….

    God heard my cry! My eyes are swollen from crying
    Thank you and God bless you and your ministry

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Nessie,

      I am so sorry for the delay in responding. Please forgive me.

      I think you are right that we need to realize the fight of faith can take time. I know how quickly I become impatient — but so often God’s Word describes our need to “wait on Him.”

      But even when we are waiting on Him, our wait is lovingly planned by God because every second of it is purifying us and strengthening us and preparing us for even more joy in Him — now and forever.

      So press on, sister.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  37. Agnes says:

    Hi Steve,

    I just wanted to thank you for your post. I am meditating on the Scriptures from your post and can see how I have allowed my thoughts to veer from The Lord. I know that this situation is temporary and I believe that God loves me. I am no longer listening to satan’s lies about my circumstances. Your post has greatly encouraged and strengthened me.Thanks for the reminder to trust Jesus. Blessings to you and many thanks

  38. lily says:

    Hi steve,thank you very much for the word.I was feeling hopeless,defeated, discouraged and so stressed by how things were going in my life.i had quit trusting in God coz i felt he was taking too long to help and answer me,patience was not in my vocabulary.I then gooled this words”am hopless and stressed help me jesus” that’s when i found ur blog.Am now overflowing with hope like never before and i trust jesus to help me now and forever.May he continue using u to touch more lives,Amen.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Lily,

      Thank you for your encouraging comment. I love hearing that you are now “overflowing with hope like never before” and trusting Jesus to help you now and forever.

      May the Lord continue to strengthen, comfort, and encourage you with His precious promises.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  39. Gina says:

    Hi my significant other has been struggling with sickness and he still doesn’t know what it is he is a Christian but is and has been falling everyday he talks about how he feels I tell him to trust God but I feel like if he was he would not be saying how he feels constantly but instead meditate in prayer he says I can’t understand and I don’t know and before I read him scripture I should fix myself which is true but my head is still above water long story short he is drowning his pain in alcohol and he is a recovering alcoholic please pray for him his name is Cristian he is sounding like his old self and is listening to the music he used to and admitted he had some shots so basically he is turning to alcohol says he has nothing else and I don’t understand and he doesn’t want me to read any scriptures cause he doesn’t want to hear it.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Gina,

      Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I’m sorry to hear about Cristian’s struggles with health.

      Are both of you involved in a church that teaches God’s Word? It would be helpful for you to have other believers around you to pray with and for both of you.

      And I will pray for you right now as well.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  40. Amyta says:

    Hi I am going through the worst points of my life.
    I feel it’s completely over.
    I got married 16 years ago with a muslim and I am Christian, we have a 13 years old daughter.
    I move to Middle East and i have been here for ten years.
    My husband started a business abroad in Africa and he come to visit us twice a year.
    I am a reborn Christian and I did not know marrying a muslim was a sin since they are unbeliever because they deny the crucification and resurrection of Jesus.
    I have baptized my daughter and I thought her about Jesus.
    However 4 months ago my husband informed me he is living with another woman in Africa and he has another child with her.
    He asked to keep a secret from my daughter but I have told her.
    She keept the secret awaiting one day for him to tell her.
    I don’t have money or work in this country, I can’t leave.
    He also dont want to give me the divorce he told me i would loose.
    My daughter goes to a very good private school, we have a nice home.
    I pray to Jesus to god to angels and saints to give me a miracle.
    I still have no job no money to leave.
    I am in oppression i pray for forgiveness i feel depressed.
    To worsen everything my husband wants my daughter to be a muslim.
    To the point we forbidden her to go to the church.
    I can sense the confusion of my daughter because we surrounded by Muslims.
    I have no church to help me or Christian friends.
    I am living in isolation in pane and anguish.
    I pray to god to send me an angel to put me though to save my child and I.
    I feel because of my sins god abandoned however i still have the strength to keep praying.
    Please pray for me and give me some thoughts
    May god bless us all

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Amyta,

      I am so sorry for the heart-breaking situation you and your daughter are in. And I can understand why you would feel hopeless.

      But let me encourage you that, as hard as your situation is, you have what’s most important — Jesus Christ himself.

      As you and your daughter look to him and trust him, he will satisfy your hearts completely in himself. I’m not saying he will satisfy your heart by changing your marriage. He does not promise that.

      But he will satisfy your heart in himself. As you read about him in the Bible, and talk to him, and worship and love him, he will pour his Spirit upon you and your daughter and fill your hearts and home with his presence.

      And even though you did wrong to marry a Muslim, he is full of love and mercy, and will use even this hard situation to bring you even more joy in him.

      So don’t put your hope in changing your marriage situation. Put your hope in the joy you can have in Christ now — and forever.

      Do pray for your husband’s salvation. Pray that he will leave the other woman. Jesus has power to bring about both of those. But he might choose not to do that, and the reason would be because he will use your present troubles to draw you even closer to him, where you will have even more joy in him.

      Are you in an area where you can find a good Bible-teaching church that loves Jesus and will encourage you? That would be helpful.

      I will pray for you right now. And keep letting us know how you are doing.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  41. Amyta says:

    Hi Steve
    Thank you for replying your words mean a lot to me.
    I cannot find any bible study or go to the church, I am concern of the consequences might have, definitely my husband would not accept.
    I am very lonely and very much in isolation.
    I pray constantly, and I used to pray for my husband return, I have stopped, because 4 months ago he insisted my daughter should be a muslim, therefore I rather prefer that he wouldn’t return, I don’t want to hinder my daughter salvation, and believes.
    I have taught Christianity to my child in secret and she prays in secret, fom her father.
    Actually I have been praying for my husband to know Jesus as his lord and savior, and to be removed from the ungodly people, and from thr satan chains.
    I have been praying for a supernatural financial miracle, or for god to provide for me to leave to a place where I can grow with my daughter spiritually, mentally, and financially. Where I can rebuild my life with my child.
    I am very depress, and sometimes I feel desperate and i ask god to dont let my daughter and i to wake up anymore and to takes us to him.
    I pray to be removed of anger, bitterness , depression, all evil.
    I have intrusive thoughts and bad thoughts that occur in my mind against god and immediately I pray for forgiveness.
    I try to pray for the grace to carry me on each day.
    No one knows about my situation and i cry in silent, while having a smiling face to everyone else and to keep it together for the sake of my child.
    It’s been very difficult i pray god for forgiveness and the Holy Spirit to help me.
    Thank you for your advise

  42. Jamie says:

    I searched to find some words of encouragement for my life. I am raising support for my ministry and I am 23 years old. Everyday is hard to talk to so many people and get so many mean responses or Christians who say they support their own churches and don’t have time for me and my pitiful call(as some have told me). I feel so discouraged because I know that God has called me to do this but I can’t see anyone who thinks the same and wants to become a financial supporter.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Jamie,

      I am sorry to hear about your discouragement. I would encourage you to keep fighting to see Jesus Christ in control of all of this. He promises that he will supply every cent you need for whatever he has called you to do.

      Are you part of a church family who can confirm your call and pray for the funds you need? Maybe they could give some financial support, and introduce you to other churches who might join in supporting you.

      But what’s most important is that you keep fighting the fight of faith, praying over God’s promises until you meet him in the Word and receive his peace and strength.

      That’s what I’ll pray for you right now.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  43. Belle says:

    As I read the posts I see part of myself in each one. Did not Jesus warn us the end days would try us? Did He not say that we would have tribulation in this world, but to BE OF GOOD CHEER because He has overcome the world?
    We are, all of us, world-weary as we express these sad things. We live in perilous times. We have an implacable enemy, the devil, who never lets up.
    A great pastor friend of mine who ministered via internet to over two million people monthly with his newsletter, died in 2010. He was truly a discerning, faithful man of God. Yet, he wanted out! When I learned of this I was shocked because it seemed to me that he had everything to stay here for: Long term marriage, eight children, grandchildren, an incredibly anointed ministry. He began to long for heaven and home and died a year after he began to express this. I was shocked and grieved to my core. I miss him every day.
    I have no easy answers here. I read the Book of Job. I believe there is a divine purpose for our sufferings. I am convinced we are indeed in the end of days.
    My pastor friend always repeated two things to me: HE IS FAITHFUL and LEAN NOT UNTO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. I hope these concepts beoome internalized in our spirits.
    As for finding a real fellowship, this is harder and harder to do. I for one am very discerning about where I fellowship because the Bible warns of apostasy abounding.
    May the Lord Jesus Christ help each and every one who passes this way.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Belle,

      I agree that God has a purpose for each and every one of our trials. I see that clearly taught in 2 Cor 4:17 — where Paul says our trials are producing an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.

      I believe that means God has purposed that every trial would purify and refine us so we find more joy in Christ’s glory now and forever.

      May the Lord richly bless you,

      Steve Fuller

  44. Dennis Teel says:

    I only have one problem with this article.I had a guy explain this in the very same way this article does a while back.It seemed to me what he was saying is,replace this ‘worldy’ pleasure with 24/7 ‘nose in the bible’ and all your free time in prayer and you’ll be at peace.Ie, the old legalistic notion ,replace all secular activities with something spiritual.that’s nonsense and we’re not required to do so and there’s nothing biblical to support that notion.In fact it’s a legalsitic belief that supports that acquiring the peace of christ is a conditional thing based on our performance as christians.That’s a bogus belief.God doesn’t expect someone to sacrifice hobbies and things we love doingin this world merely because their ‘secular’ activities. In fact i call that belief the pentecostal pick and choose for a very good reason.

  45. nana says:

    Hi, I want to say that I’m in a hopeless and broken state. There are many things I’m struggling with in my life now. Over the years, I’ve always been struggling with self-image issues. I get jealous and envious when others are praised/admired for their beauty, and I’m not given the compliments. I compared myself and always feel lousy and it plunged my self-image even more negatively. I base my happiness and security and significance in my physical appearance (I’m not saying I’m very pretty) but I’m saying, health and appearance means so much to me, that I think, it has become my idol, and whenever something bad happens, I automatically link it with “oh maybe because I’m ugly that’s why they don’t like me?” I’m so broken in this cycle…it has always come and go, but lately,God is revealing this “sin/temptation?” that I need to deal with at its roots. I feel so helpless and hopeless… I admit I cannot do this on my own. The more I try, the deeper I fall.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Nana,

      Thank you for sharing so honestly.

      The good news is that Jesus Christ stands before you in the pages of God’s Word with everything you need.

      He will forgive you through the Cross, accept you as you are, and love you.

      He will strengthen your faith, and so satisfy you in himself that you are free from worry about health and appearance.

      And he will forgive you again and again if and when you fall back into the old patterns.

      I would encourage you to read the post on Developing a Biblical Self-Image (click here).

      I also think it would be helpful to work through the posts on the far right under the “Here’s A Quick Overview” section.

      And please keep us posted with how you are doing.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  46. Leonard says:

    Hi Steve I am currently a student of 20, studying at the University of Potchefstroom in South Africa.

    This is my first year here, I have found myself in a place where I feel i cant even talk a single person about my feelings and bond towards God, I have tried talking to friends about my religion but no one seems to care and keeps on breaking me down for talking about it.

    I have never felt this hopeless and alone in my life, i’m tired of hiding and always just accept the fact that I will never get the chance to to express myself.

    I have once experienced the grace of God but lately I just feel like I’m losing him and I cant seem to find my way home. I really just need someone to talk to for I cant go on like this feeling so hopeless and discouraged.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Leonard,

      My heart goes out to you brother. I am so sorry for how you alone you are feeling, and for your hopelessness.

      Is there any Christian group on your school campus where you could get some encouragement? Or is there a church nearby? Fellowship with other believers is a powerful means of God’s grace in our lives.

      But even more important, God promises to meet you as you seek him. I say that because of passages like Hosea 6:3; John 6:35; and Psalm 42:5.

      So open your Bible, maybe to the book of Psalms. Find psalms that connect with what you are feeling, and pray through them meaningfully, slowly, earnestly. Ask God to strengthen you, comfort you, meet you. Think about who he is as described in his Word. Worship him. Behold him.

      Time spent waiting on the Lord in this way is never wasted. Even when he delays to come to us, these delays are gifts from him to humble and purify and ultimately bless us.

      So press in, Leonard. Fight the fight of faith. He promises that when we seek him, we will surely find him.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  47. nana says:

    Thanks Steve, for your reply. I’m in this season, where He’s showing me He alone is enough, He alone deserves my full devotion and He alone satisfies me. But I’m trying so hard, to fight back pride, jealousy, envy, trying all I could to focus on God. I cry out to Him everyday, saying “God, I want more of You! I need You more and more. All I want is You!” but I’ve yet to sense that breakthrough. I’ve yet to sense His overwhelming presence embracing me. Yes He sends people to tell me, even if I don’t feel Him, He’s right there with me. I just can’t be still. Everytime I come before Him, I try so hard to focus and love Him. But I am always so restless and would jump from worship videos to the bible to my journal…
    It’s like I’m trying everything I could to just hear Him or catch a glimpse of God…

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Nana,

      It’s good that you are seeking him so earnestly. He will meet you — he promises (Hebrews 11:6).

      Ask for him to help you not be so restless. Maybe pray over Psalm 46:10 (“be still and know that I am God”). Maybe ask others to pray with and for you.

      Keep me posted on how God works in your heart — because in his perfect time he surely will.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  48. Anna says:

    Stretching out your hand for help that never comes will make you feel hopeless. I don’t ask God for help anymore, he will do what he wants. I’ve found God to be like a particularly useless boyfriend, all promises and no delivery. and I’m sure there are enough people telling him now wonderful he is without me bothering.

    Some ants are lucky and live in the green forest, and some just have to get along with the crack in a dusty pavement, and its sad and hard but there it is.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Anna,

      I’m not sure what to say. It’s clear you are feeling deeply disappointed by God.

      It sounds like you have prayed and not received from God the help you hoped for. All I can say is that God tells us in His Word that there are times when he chooses to do this.

      Take Paul’s thorn in the flesh (2 Corinthians 12). Paul prayed three times that God would remove it, and God chose not to.

      So God never promises to answer our prayers exactly as we pray them. But he does promise to orchestrate everything to bring us the greatest nearness to him — which is more satisfying than anything else we could ask for.

      So I would gently but strongly urge you to reconsider your response to God. It is right for us to humble ourselves before him and admit that we do not know best. He will welcome you, forgive you, love and help you, because of Christ.

      I hope this helps.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  49. Deb says:

    Hi Steve:
    I googled “How not to be discouraged in a Christian marriage” and found and read all the comments that have been posted. My first thought was empathy for all of the heartbroken people that responded as well as for all the many more who didn’t have the energy to write or even to read that so many of us experience heartbreak. I mean this comment to encourage others as we are not alone; not only is God always with us, but He has surrounded us with friends who can understand because we are also hopeless at times.
    I am a Christian with a Christian husband, attend a great church, a fantastic Bible study, a weekly prayer group, etc. Yet I still find my self feeling that certain parts of my marriage will never change and that the only hope is death, divorce, or dealing with heart break, discouragement, or the lack of a God-honoring marriage. Yet after reading your comments, I think I now see that the problem is me. My sin is the problem. I had not considered that my hopelessness is a sin! So I will begin to pray for the Spirit to fill me with hope beyond imagination and that ALL my hope comes from Jesus. Not my kids, my marriage, activities, church, etc. I commit to make Jesus my hope and confess my hopelessness.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Deb,

      I am so glad you found this post, and that God used it to encourage you.

      I am sorry to hear about your discouragement, and will pray that the Spirit would, as you say, fill you with hope beyond imagination in Jesus Christ.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  50. Gladys says:

    Hi Steve,

    I need your opinion on something or maybe some guidance. I have a sister that has a personality disorder that causes a lot of stress, suffering to me and my mom. She is currently homeless because of this. She is destructive and has caused my mom to lose her place to live at least 5 times, cost her money, etc… untold misery.

    Do I as a Christian have an obligation to take her in despite everything I have mentioned. I struggle with this because I want do what is right before God, but I she is a disruption to all of our lives. I’am married with no children, but could take her in, it is just that she is destructive and has no regard for others, I don’t know what to do?

  51. Allison says:

    Hello Steve,

    I thank God that I stumbled across your entry while looking for spiritual help for something I’ve been wrestling with for a long time. I find that it seems fickle to most people, but I’m in the midst of a battle of emotions that come with my college grades. I have nearly finished my third semester and have been proud of my 3.9 GPA thus far (not bragging at all), but it truly saddens me when I remember that only a B+ has “flawed” my GPA so far. I know that grades shouldn’t dictate whether or not I choose to be happy, but I’m finding that unless I have all A’s (maybe a B+), I absolutely am not happy. It scares me how depressed I become from one day to the next. Most people tell me that it’s normal to retake a class and I have nothing to worry about, especially because I have nearly enough credits to be considered a senior. But now, faced with the possibility of needing to retake a class due to a C average, I’ve honestly never felt so restless, grief-stricken, filled with regret, and disappointed in myself. It feels as if there has been a death in the family. It doesn’t help that one parent seems to be in denial of that fact that they have a child who needs to retake a class (even though they’ve done it themselves). It hurts that the first thing they said to me was “hopefully it won’t be a C so I don’t have to pay for it again” (even though there’s no additional cost; zero). I wish I could express the sheer fatigue and lack of motivation I battle during the school year, but they dismiss it as “weird” I could feel despondent at times and simply don’t want to hear it.

    I guess what I’m asking is that you and anyone else who may be reading this to pray for me for a quick moment and ask that God liberate me from this enslavement to a man-made thing: grades and measuring my self-worth by a transient letter on a page. I know this pales in comparison to the real trials of life, but in all seriousness, I feel that I have unintentionally idolized school. I really, really do not want that to reign over my life. I want to celebrate my self-worth in Christ and be able to shake off these temporary rough patches in college, knowing that God probably considers grades among the least of His worries and rather loves me because He made me.

    I know it’s possible to be freed from the artificial holds and standards of school. I’ve prayed fervently over the past couple weeks and just today, at the end of my exam, I felt elated for some reason. I don’t think I did phenomenally well on the test, but I couldn’t think of any other reason than the fact that God hears prayers and answered in one way by filling me with His joy. It was wonderful. For a moment, no darkness could encroach on that light. I was at peace with my C.

    I want that God-given peace again. So I ask that anyone please say a prayer in passing for me.

    Thank you very much and God’s blessings and comfort for all of the trials and questions shared here.


    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Allison,

      I will pray for you right now.

      And you are not alone in this battle. We all have counterfeit-joys that easily enslave us, whether it’s grades or money or fame or sexual pleasure or revenge.

      But these are all counterfeits; the only true, lasting joy is found in beholding God’s glory as revealed in Jesus Christ.

      And the way to fight the counterfeit is by turning our hearts to Christ and, in dependence on the work of his Spirit, praying over the truth of who he is until we once again see and feel him as our all-satisfying Treasure.

      When we taste filet mignon we’re not tempted with a moldy peanut-butter sandwich.

      And of course, there’s nothing wrong with working hard to get the best grades you can. But if that means a lower GPA, so be it. Our joy isn’t in seeing ourselves (or having others see us) as 4.0 people; it’s in beholding Jesus Christ.

      And I’m sorry to hear about your parent’s response. May the Lord so fill and satisfy and strengthen you in himself that you can forgive your parent.

      I hope this helps. And I will pray right now.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  52. Ashley says:

    I really liked this article & reading the comments has helped me realize that I’m not alone. The situations and circumstances may differ but its something that I can relate to. Sometimes I often feel like nothing is ever going to change. I pray, meditate, praise, I repented for every sin(known & unknown), I’ve had other people pray for me, I fasted etc but I still feel the same way. I’ve tried to get over my feelings & live by faith but I come full circle every time. I’ve seen every kind of counselor/therapist/psychiatrist. I’ve been on antidepressants but my issues haven’t been resolved. I know that its me. I know its how I see myself and that affects how I see God, the world & everything around me. I’ve prayed to God to be able to see myself as he sees me. Its just all very overwhelming because I don’t know what God wants me to be or do. I keep seeking his will but in the meantime: I’m miserable…I trust God & I’m sure everything will work out. Thanks for giving me hope again

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Ashley,

      Thank you for sharing your story with us. And I am sorry about the deep struggles you have been having.

      I often struggle with feelings of discouragement and hopelessness. Time after time, what helps me is to ask — what am I hoping will satisfy me?

      Almost always the answer is that I’ve once again started looking to something besides Christ himself to satisfy me.

      Then, when I turn my heart back to him, and seek him with prayer and meditation on God’s Word, in time he fills me once again with the joy of beholding him, knowing him, worshiping him.

      May the Lord powerfully meet you this Christmas season.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  53. JJB says:

    Thank you for writing this. I had a terrible and stressful night at work. My stress was so great that I felt as if it was hopeless. It pains me to fall short in any area of my life because I have always struggled to be a perfectionist. Tonight at work I know my boss was not pleased with me, even though I gave my all in my work. Driving home from work tonight I felt hopeless. I am a college student and a born-again believer. I feel like I should honor God with my life, yet feel pulled in every other direction that the world pulls me. I feel sick at the thought of taking out any student loans to pay for my education. I feel overwhelmed by all that growing up requires. I have great friends and a loving Christian family. I even attend a Christian University, and am a part a Bible believing church. I feel like I have been drifting from Christ. I feel as if our relationship is almost nonexistent. Probably because of my own fault.I have struggled with sins for most of my adolescent life, and still can’t seem to overcome them. I have a loving girlfriend,and we have a great God-honoring relationship but, feel that my hopelessness spoils her positive attitude. I am not sure if I even should be in a relationship right now, or focus on everything. I feel like my life is full of unanswered questions, prayers, and thoughts. I am surrounded by great people and truly and blessed, yet I still feel alone and hopeless. Thank you.

    • JJB says:

      Please pray for me. Please offer advice and pray that Christ restores my faith.

      • Steve Fuller says:

        Hi JJB,

        Thank you so much for sharing your story. I will certainly pray for you.

        I would also encourage you to work through the posts at the far right of this page under the title “Here’s A Quick Overview.”

        I think those posts will help you grow in living by faith in Jesus Christ.

        Keep us posted on how you are doing.

        In Christ,

        Steve Fuller

  54. pauline says:

    Hi there,
    i rarely leave comments but stumbled across your web page and after reading it i just had to thank you for your honesty and the truth you have written. I lost my mum 6 month’s ago after a long battle with cancer,she is with Jesus now so i have that comfort,my faith in Jesus has been strong through the difficult times but as i head in to a new year of so many uncertainty’s my faith has taken on a sense of hopelessness,i have been seeking Jesus about this and have been challenged by what you said that hopelessness is a sin and that are hart should be satisfied with Jesus (so hard to know this in your head but need it worked out in my hart)ive been reading Oswald chambers His utmost for His Highest and the past month or so the challenge has been will i let Jesus be all to me and let go of the right to my self ,so thank you your words they have been encouraging and confirmed what Jesus has been saying,i know He use’s the difficulties of life to strengthen are faith.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      You are so welcome, Pauline. I praise God for the way his grace is working in your life.

    • Doug says:


      My wife and I enjoy “My Utmost for His Highest.” Another very good devotion is Spurgeon’s, “Morning and Evening.” I highly recommend this one as it too comforts and challenges from a deep biblical perspective. You should be able to find it in England or Canada very easily. God bless.

  55. yemisi says:

    hello steve i am discouraged because i am out of job a man of God told me my mother is a witch my husband told me earlier , i myself began suspecting sometimes ago but i am confused i love but cant go to her i call her sometimes all my mother children never had jobs but i am a christian my condition must be different pls pray for me and advise me

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hello Yemisi,

      Thank you for taking the time to share your story.

      I would encourage you to keep trusting Christ, who has complete power over witches and evil spirits.

      Are you part of a church? It would be so helpful to have some wise, mature, godly believers to pray with and for you during this time.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  56. Anbu says:


    I read some of the comments posted, its painful even to know what people face in their lives. I too was very anxious about certain things in my life. As I read through your blog Holy Spirit started convicting me of my sin of not considering Jesus as my greatest treasure. I now earnestly thank God for everything that I’m going through. All the current pain is worth realizing the truth that “He alone is enough”.

    Thank you Steve.

  57. Doug says:

    Thank you for pointing to Jesus. I am fifty-seven and looking for the first time in my adult life at an unplanned job change. My plan was to be in full-time vocational Christian ministry until I went to be with the Lord. That plan has never been shaken until now. I know God shakes our foundations and even removes them if they are not built upon Him.

    When I was saved, the one thing that I knew was that hopelessness became hope. I still have hope. But the hope that was built upon my own abilities is being put to death. I now, as your article declares, need to return to hoping in Christ Jesus.

    The pain I hear here resonates with me, as it is real and debilitating at times. As I ponder my responsibility to provide for my family of 8 (I am the sole breadwinner), it deepens the pain and worry. I encourage everyone to do as one man told me a couple of years ago, “Get up from your bed (or couch or chair) of despair and begin to praise God. Keep doing it until you have a break-through.” Regardless of our failures, there are always virtuous things on which to think and dwell. Do as Phil. 4:8-9.

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will growing strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Doug,

      Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry to hear all you are going through, but am full of joy to hear of your faith through it all.

      Again and again I come back to the truth that God promises to ordain everything in our lives to bring us the greatest joy in his Son (2 Cor 4:16-18; 2 Cor 12:9-10).

      It’s not easy to see or feel the joy of that truth. But that’s why faith is a fight. So fight on, brother. And keep us posted on how God works in your heart and circumstances.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

      • Doug says:

        I am reminded of the breadth of God’s providence.

        I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. (Isa 45:7)

        Sometimes it hurts. Many times the hurt is due to us having our roots, our investments, our claws, our hopes down deep into this world. The things we see and feel are easily more important to us than the invisible God. This is our flesh nature at work, at enmity with God.

        I remember an evangelist who once said, “All He wants me to do is bow.” Our pride recoils at bowing. Yet freedom results from it.

        Thank you for ministering to people like me here in this forum.

  58. honestpersontobeisGOD says:

    listen to planetshakers album..It is best way to keep the faith strong.. through this songs you will know that God is with US as always.

  59. I read so many stories about finances and I am wondering do these people tithe and give offering at a local church that teaches the WORD. God promises in Malachi 3:8-12 that He will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you would not have enough room to receive. I was robbing God and the curse was present in my life for a long time. When I start doing what God said to do with my money that`s when the blessings started before then I always had lack in my life.Obey God in your giving and see a change in your finances. It is never too late to dream again no matter what age you are God can catch you up 40yrs old is young. We become hop less when we put our trust in people instead of GOD. The Lord does not give us the spirit of fear but power,love and a sound mind. Every promise God made He will fulfill because He said that He is not a man that He should lie….God said that He would be a husband to us or whatever we need. Cast your care on God because He cares for you.and when you do you have to believe that you have receive them and you will have them. From then on never pray about them again, you pray should be a pray of Thanksgiving,thanking God for whatever you prayed for,because you believe you have received them. It works this how I have been taught to pray. Crying and begging does not move God. The only thing that moves God is FAITH. We have a loving Father and He cares about his children. He will not let you down. Satan is a lier and the father of lies. Trust God and never doubt what He said He will do in hid word He will do. I am a living witness.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Diann,

      Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

      I love the promise of Malachi 3, that when we give to God we will receive an abundance.

      But I’d like to gently nudge you to reconsider whether that means that everyone who gives to God ends up with financial prosperity.

      For example, in Hebrews 11 we read about godly men and women who “went about in skins of sheep and goats” and were “destitute” (Heb 11:37).

      And in Romans 8 Paul says that not even famine or nakedness can separate us from God’s love, which implies that God’s people can and will experience these sorts of trials (Romans 8:35).

      My understanding is that sometimes God calls his people to endure significant trials, including poverty and persecution and even death, not because they’ve sinned, but because through these trials he’s going to bring them even more of the greatest joy in the universe — the joy of closer fellowship with him.

      I would also urge you to reconsider the idea that we pray once and then believe that it’s done. That does not fit how Paul prayed three times for his thorn in the flesh to be removed (2 Corinthians 12:8), and how Jesus taught that persistence in prayer is crucial (Luke 11:8).

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

      • Chaplain Doug says:


        There have been notions that I accepted over the years, many of which made our relationship with God seem to be one in which we were constantly having to do things to please Him, and if we were not being blessed, then we had done something to displease Him. Fortunately, I have been disabused of some of these notions.

        For years I had come under preaching that used Old Testament passages as a stick to beat or “encourage” Christians into giving to the local “storehouse,” with the implied threat that if we did not, bad consequences would ensue. But if we did toe the financial line, God would bless us. If you give 10% God will be good to you. If you miss the mark, hang your head and expect bad stuff.

        The writer of Hebrews makes it clear (as does the rest of the NT) that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him by faith (Heb 11:6). There is no money figure attached. I am not eschewing the principle of being a cheerful giver as the Lord leads. I am just thankful that God blesses us despite our behavior. Indeed, He chastens those He loves. But even while we are under chastening, He sends blessings we do not deserve and never will deserve.

        If God stopped blessing any of His children if they have sin in their life, we would ALL be sitting in sackcloth and ashes all of the time. But we can ALL count our blessings.

        God blesses His children, period. We can stop performing and start drawing close to Him.

        Our pastor said this little pearl yesterday, “You will never rise any higher in your Christian walk than your view of God.” Little God, enemic Christian life. Big God, peace even in the face of trials and uncertainty. Big God, no more performance-based Christianity.

  60. Barbara says:

    I feel abandoned hopeless and helpless. I walked with the Lord and was on fire but I feel like my fire has been burnt out I hurt so bad physically mentally I just want God to take me out of my misery but He won’t yep I know the Word I know Jesus is real I know His promises but I still feel like giving up the hurt hurt to bad and to deep. I ask for amiracle God knows my every need but I think because I have been so hopeless He won’t help me. I’m not boring anyone with all the issues I just want my fire back for the Lord The spirit to overflow my very being and mind and know God still has a perfect plan for me and please don’t be like my Pastor and tell me some people are just called to suffer I’m to weak

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Barbara,

      Chaplain Doug’s words below are really helpful, Barbara. And know that you can trust Jesus Christ. He loves you, and he will help you, as you trust him.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  61. Chaplain Doug says:


    It does help to know that others are sharing your experience or have been where you are physically or mentally. I cannot see a biblical reason to believe there are some Christians specially called to suffer. Yet through Church history, we are drawn to the stories of those saints who persevered through dark times. God shows Himself best in the darkness. But in the darkness, our adversary creeps close and whispers lies of hopelessness, thoughts that God is not there or is unloving. I too have experienced this type of prolonged attack. Truth will overcome our enemy.

    Please consider the words of Charles Spurgeon:

    “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.

    Tis a happy way of soothing sorrow when we can feel—”HE careth for me.” Christian! do not dishonour religion by always wearing a brow of care; come, cast your burden upon your Lord. You are staggering beneath a weight which your Father would not feel. What seems to you a crushing burden, would be to Him but as the small dust of the balance. Nothing is so sweet as to

    “Lie passive in God’s hands,
    And know no will but His.”

    O child of suffering, be thou patient; God has not passed thee over in His providence. He who is the feeder of sparrows, will also furnish you with what you need. Sit not down in despair; hope on, hope ever. Take up the arms of faith against a sea of trouble, and your opposition shall yet end your distresses. There is One who careth for you. His eye is fixed on you, His heart beats with pity for your woe, and his hand omnipotent shall yet bring you the needed help. The darkest cloud shall scatter itself in showers of mercy. The blackest gloom shall give place to the morning. He, if thou art one of His family, will bind up thy wounds, and heal thy broken heart. Doubt not His grace because of thy tribulation, but believe that He loveth thee as much in seasons of trouble as in times of happiness. What a serene and quiet life might you lead if you would leave providing to the God of providence! With a little oil in the cruse, and a handful of meal in the barrel, Elijah outlived the famine, and you will do the same. If God cares for you, why need you care too? Can you trust Him for your soul, and not for your body? He has never refused to bear your burdens, He has never fainted under their weight. Come, then, soul! have done with fretful care, and leave all thy concerns in the hand of a gracious God.

  62. Barbara says:

    Yjaml you for the encouraging words I really need them, I try so hard to keep my eyes on Christ at all times and know of His umconditional love but it seems like Paul I feel when I want to do the things that are right I do the things that are wrong always I look back to when God saved and delivered me people think my testimony is fake but I know its real I know in a flash God delivered me I saw Him open the flood gates of Heaven I saw the beauty of the light in the dessert skies at 2am I know what I know and why would I lie on my Savior I know what He did for me 23 years of clean and sober didn’t come on my doing it was Christ forhiving my step dad for raping me at the age of 7-11 didn’t come by my strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit forgiving my family for turning me away at 11 for telling the truth did not come by my might but by the love of my Savior I just want to love Him the way He loves me and The Word says you can not love Him if you continue in sin I hate when I fall I hate when I can’t trust and I doubt I believe doubt and disbelief is sin. I read the Words how once the salt is given and you lose your salt you are thrown away I’m paraphrasing here in 1 John it says if you love Me you will keep my commands oh i am such a loser I have a husnamd who says he is saved but won’t even listen to the Word or go to church with me 7 children 2 at home one with mental disabilities and the other 17 year old that has been thru tragedy after tragedy 3 deaths in a row family close driends only one for sure we know walked with the Lord she then was involved in a car crash and Saturday evening try to commit suicide oner a boy we are in debt over our ears and I am disabled neck surgeries and back surgies and the pain hurts some days I pray so hard God I beg you take me I just want to be with Jesus the only One who loves me for me and not for what I can do for Him. Oh yee (myself) of little faith. How can I say I love Jesus so much and just be a hopeless sinner and big mess. Sorru I just let it all go please pray I need help oh yes please so many church members go see a professional theres only One professional I want to see and thats Jesus some days I feek maybe I wasn’t saved at all maybe I am seriously delusional. I’m losing my mind I just want the Holu Spirit to take over me completely so I can be just like Jesus loving caring merciful compazzionate slow to anger meek I love the Lord so much I kust want it to be the way it was I heard His still small voice I felt the warmth of His Spirit all around me I ask everyday Lord did I sin against the Spirit the one unforgiveable sin is that why I’m like this no answer I’m sick I can’t do anything but cry out Lord I love you help me I am sitting on the Human junk pile wauting for my life to be turned into Your treasure tahnks for letting me pour my heart out to maybe someone who cares

  63. Barbara says:

    Was hoping to see the encouragement or comments or help or anything from my last post see it seems when I pour my heart out noone has anything to say and it makes me feel worse

  64. Chaplain Doug says:


    You are believing lies about yourself, lies that come from the adversary. Our adversary specializes in lies and works to bind us with them. Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free!” Try replacing the lies of self-deprecation (I have listened to them and believed them too) with the truths of who you are in Christ.

    I recommend the book, “Victory over the Darkness,” by Neil T. Anderson. I encourage you to find it at your library or purchase it online. You may also want to view the “truth statement” passages at this web site:

    People can help you some Barbara. But I promise you from experience that the BEST and longest-lasting help comes from prayer and meditating upon God’s truth, especially in the area of truth with which you are struggling.

    I will encourage you as I was once encouraged, “Get off your bed of despair, get up and begin praising God for Who He is.” Our enemy does not want you to do that. When you do you will begin to experience freedom. AND do not forsake assembling together with other believers. Share you burdens and ask for prayer.

  65. Barbara says:

    Thank you so much I will try to get the book and I have amny praying for me and praise God I feel the power of prayer working. Thank you again and may God Bless you for helping and reaching out to those of us feeling hopeless Blessings Barb

    • Chaplain Doug says:


      I am reminded that we, God’s people, are often His hands and His voice on this earth. Sometimes I have waited on God to do something, and overlooked the fact that God has His body all around in the form of His people. The body is supposed to minister to itself by the power of His Spirit. I too have been helped in this forum by others, and specifically by the forum’s author. So when God sends a Christian, often someone who has experienced what you are experiencing, He IS answering prayer and sending a “angel” (messenger) as a lieutenant to help in time of need.

      So as you receive help, He is equipping you to help others. And in so helping others, you will be lifted in your spirit. God bless.

  66. Crystal says:

    I don’t mean any disrespect, but this is total crap. Obviously you are a person who has never suffered from clinical depression or lived in an abusive situation. When you are glued to the bed and can’t get out and all you can think about are ways to end your life it is pretty bad and you do NOT have any control over that when you are clinically depressed. Hopelessness is not a sin, it is a reality for some of us here on planet earth.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Crystal,

      You are right that I have not suffered from clinical depression or lives in an abusive situation.

      And I agree that sometimes those who are clinically depressed need help from medication.

      But medication can only bring someone so far. And it’s at that point that we need to look at what we besides Christ we are putting our hope in – and we need to fight to get our hope back upon Christ.

      I hope that helps communicate what I am trying to say.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  67. Carmina says:

    Thank you for sharing.

  68. Jane says:

    Very encouraging posts Steve Fuller. God bless you for the work you do. It seems we are many in this journey of life going through similar challenges. Lets continue to uplift one another when we can.

  69. richard Hensley says:

    it is comforting knowing im not alone, being discouraged and thinking the future has little to offer except more discouragement is no fun, i think this tends to make us depressed and life just seems like a battle ya fight, instead of being joyful its just the oppossite , i say try reaching out to people in need, get out of yourself, read uplifting christian based material even when ya dont feel like it do it anyway , always rememvber ya reap what ya sew more than ya sew later than ya sew, god bless all of ya ,dont give up and remember your not alone, a lot of what i have read is very similar to how i feel , reach out for help even just 1 last time before you do anything stupid take care,

    • Steve Fuller says:

      The key issue for me was to recognize that when I am feeling hopeless, it’s because I am setting my hope in something besides Christ and enjoying his glory forever.

      And you are right, when we are sunk deep in hopelessness we should definitely reach out to other believers to receive the encouragement we need.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

      • Chaplain Doug says:


        Always appreciate your comments and your reminders that hopelessness comes in when we get ours eyes and trust off of Jesus.

        Our adversary has no hope, and he wants us to believe we have little more than he has. But God reminds us that we are “more than conquerors” who have an eternal hope.

        Many times hopelessness (or discouragement) takes over in my life when I begin to believe that God owes me physical, financial, and emotional smooth-sailing or when I focus on “my deal” in this life as if it were the only thing I have. Focusing on Christ, believing that He has great things in store for His sheep after their sojourn in this world, and simply sharing His love with others, anyone who He places in our path, will help us take our focus off of our circumstances.

        God bless!

  70. Jensen says:

    I’m 19 .. a student about to sit for my final exam. The grades are going to decide whether I can get a good course in university.
    My sister is a medical student, I was hoping to be like her too.
    I was a student with good grades, but these changes because of online games addiction. At first i can still manage well, but now its getting worst. I
    ‘m starting to spend real money in that virtual world game, I get mad when I’m interrupted, and I definitely neglected my studies because of it. Every night go to sleep feeling guilty, I prayed but I dunknow what else to do, I’m not brave enough to tell anyone around me, especially my mum and dad. I’m feeling bad wasting their hard-earn money. My final exam is just 20 days away… Please Help!

  71. M Perez says:

    I googled “feeling discouraged” and found your blog. Thank you for that amazing testimony. I have been a Christian for 29 years, and for the last year, have battled hopelessness and discouragement for our precious daughter who loves Jesus, but has had a series of setbacks that has caused her to feel hopeless. As parents, her father and I would – in the natural – prefer it to be us rather than her. But after reading your blog, we are once again reminded that we must have an eternal perspective, and we are praying that the Holy Spirit will reveal that to her as well. We will always believe that she will have the breakthrough that we long for, but it cannot be our focus. Only Jesus and the joy of Him needs to be our focus. Thank you.

  72. Sphush says:

    Hi steve,,,,,i’m suffering m not working and i passed grade12 on 2010 bt i don’t have a money to go to collage/university i dont know what to do,,,,,but i trust in GOD i keep on praying,,,,i’m not prayn for money/job but m prayng for holy spirit i just need hm through my life,,,,,i love GOD with all my heart,,,,,sometymz i feel hopeless becouse of m jobless and m also nt studyn,,,really i feel lyk my lyf iz stuck in the circle but i have dt faith he’ll unswer my prayer

  73. jessica says:

    Hi Steve,

    Mine is abit different. God has blessed me with good health, a good job and I am thankful. One question tho? Why has He refused to bless me with my own Husband? I have prayed, cried, fasted and at this point I have given up. I feel like its not in the cards for me to be happily settled. I have prayed for a husband for over 4 years now and not a word or sign from God, only broken relationships here and there. Dear God, please hear my cry before I give up. It sucks.(I typed in tears)

  74. Tony says:

    Thanks for posting Steve, I’m going through a pretty rough spell at the moment with precious little evidence of things ever getting better. It’s nice to be able to read something with a Biblical basis for encouragement.

  75. Sphush says:

    Hey,,eish u knw i jst want more connection wth God m staying @Joburg m looking 4 christian cocn u help me plz

    • Chaplain Doug says:


      Please take the time to correctly spell out your words and to make complete sentences. Christians would love to help and encourage you. If you communicate clearly it will help us to help you. If you have a disability that prevents you from communicating in clear language, then just let us know. We can then try to work with you where you are.

  76. Noelle says:

    Hello. I dont know if youll be able to read this but I wanted to share. Im 17 yrs old and well be having our college exam tomorrow. I;m striving hard to study but it seems like I really cant solve math problems on my own now and I felt so discouraged because I thought that I cant do this. I will not be able to pass the exam, I will not have good grades. It may seem like a pathetic situation for someone but really, Im hopeless. So I searched on google “What should i do when I am discouraged and hopeless” then I really didnt think that Ill end up in here. I was expecting to get some techniques on how to feel encouraged with studying like that but this story of yours is enough. Now, I entrust everything to God. I know He will guide me tomorrow on our exam as long as I do my best. He’s my ultimate provider after all. Thanks a lot for sharing Lord Jesus’ work on you. May the Holy Spirit be with me as He had been with you.

  77. Julie says:

    I just found this after a very heart wrenching confession with God about my fears and discouragement. I had never thought of hopelessness as a sin before but now that it’s been said, I see how it is as it’s taken me further away from God. I am so struggling with this but I also feel like God’s been talking to me with the reminder of Jeremiah 29:11. Thank you for your words, and I hope there’s a lot more to read from you. God Bless, Julie.

  78. Biggcee says:

    Hello, Steve, I really enjoyed this post. It was very inspirational to me because it touches on the fact that we lean towards other resources to get us through, but the truth is that Jesus is our main provider if we ask him to be. Another thing when you mentioned that you felt hopeless when looked into your future. There’s a scripture that I’d like to share in regards to that. It’s in the book of Corinthians; chapter 5 verse 7 to be exact. It says “Walk by faith, Not sight.” I truly believe this could apply to us all, especially what you were going through. Despite how we feel about our future, we should be reminded that it isn’t always the outcome, but faith in Jesus Christ, knowing he will provide in the midst of our painful situation, should provoke a new way of thinking, and a stronger dependence on of Christ.

  79. Anonymous says:

    Sometimes you feel at your most vulnerable and loneliest when there is a crowd. Your soul breaks so much but no one seems to turn to see if you are ok. Feeling the distance between oneself and GOD is what hurts the most. All I have ever wanted is my faith, not riches in this world but ones for eternity. I have cried so much to GOD, can He hear me.

    I have done so much in this life and ruined my relationship with GOD, can He forgive me? Does He still love and accept me? I feel so physically and emotionally drained to the core of my soul. It hurts so much more than one can describe, there are no words that can describe such pain. I really wish I could fly away like a bird and be free. I am weak in myself right now…I am crying so much inside. GOD, show Thyself to my life…let me be bathed in your mercies. I am hurting so much to the point I just look and ask why am I like this?

    While others have the freedom to exercise their faith, evil has challenged mine so much that my mind is just consumed with evil thoughts against You O God…wont You rescue me. To say sorry is an understatement…I really need Your forgiveness FATHER. I FEEL SO REJECTED FROM ALL ANGLES!

    Heaven hear me please…I feel so alone and lost so much that to tell someone I just cant describe it in words.

  80. Yari Rubu says:

    How can I ever Forgive my enemies. I’m deeply wounded. My Hatred has become a stumbling block in my life. I cant work, I cant sleep. All i think about is my enemies.It hurts.I prayed for almost 3 years to God to be able to love my enemies to forget the past, but end up giving up every-time. What does God want from me???…..Until now i have controlled myself from harming them hoping God will take care of everything. But now i want revenge…When will God deliver me from this????? Please help me….

  81. Miss A K says:

    I’ve read some of this and then thought i must put my own testimony in. I have no reason to lie, have no reason to speak ill or wrongly of any religion. This is my personal journey, experience and story. This is the truth that happend to me. I am Indian, Sikh following The Guru Granth Sahib religiously. I always went to the Temple.
    I repented after following 15 yrs in the Indian religion. Before i walked in christ, in my life i had so much downfall and bad luck it was impossible to crawl out of. I used to pray early mornings, for up to half hour at a time, before getting dressed and ready for work, but before that i had to shower especially as it was forbidden to pray whilst dirty without showering. I followed all tradition, visited Temples and prayed with a purest heart but i never ever found peace. 15 years, of this. I was totally unsettled and no matter how hard i tried to please my Guru, nothing worked. Oh,been told i have to visit here and do that, follow this and that but nothing.
    Anyhow i finally found my Beautiful Jesus, and started walking with Christ. The amazing peace that i got, i can honestly say is unbeliveable. Its the pureset of the pure, the cleanest of the clean and whitest of the white ive known of. My heart is now at peace, no unsettling or nervous.
    Last year about Sept, i started going to a lovely Church. I was due to start a Life group. One evening, Deep in the night i was semi concious when someone jumped on my bed. I live alone with my son and he was in his own room. I felt the feet walk up my bed, the feet were being placed on the bed quite widly apart,not like our legs, the bed shook, wobbled at every step walking towards me. Then the gripping effect of someone grasp my body. I was instantly aware it is the demon spirit but it had full control of my body. I then called to Jesus, i said it three times and by then it had gone. Vanished like it never happend. I was sweating buckets, absolutely terrified. I prayed and prayed, i had no idea why this could happen to me. A couple of days passed and i was ok. I sleep with the bible under my pillow. Then a few nights again, deep in the night, my bed shook. Oh my goodness i thought, not again. It walked three steps on my bed, each step it took the bed shook,wobbled and then it grabbed me, i felt my soul being shaken. I try to scream Jesus, Jesus please help me, but no voice was coming out. This evil demonic spirit would not let me scream to the Lord. I thought it in my mind, Jesus is the lord of this House, and prayed over it again and again, then finally it left. By now i was frightened. I started playing the audio bible, i played the Revelation chapter. I finally plucked the courage to tell my son a few days later. The very night i told my son, i told him to keep his door wide open. I too slept with the door open. I was up a long while as was totally scared to sleep, i played the audio revelation chapter. Well after two am thud and shake, Oh here we go again i thought. It ran up my bed, and dragged me. Now when i say dragged me, i am talking about my soul. My body was fully on the bed. I was gripped by my shoulders and neck, i was thrown up into the roof several times,i was pushed through then thrown back down, i was shaken voilently, it was attacking me and i remember what i told my son to keep his door wide open for me if i needed him. I was thrown onto the floor by my door which was wide open, i even remember how i fell and the exact positon i was in as i turned to look at my sons door i saw it was fully shut. It grabbed me again, thats when i said, Satan let me tell you about your future, Satan let me remind you of your future, then called Jesus. It left, i was totally exhausted, I was breathing deeply to get over the inital shock and sweating profusely. I got up to go to my sons room, the door was fully shut!!!! yes fully shut, so for those who may say it was imaginary, it was not as when i was under attack, i saw it was shut then and when i got up to check, it was fully shut despite me telling my son to keep his door wide open. My door is two steps away from my sons door. I then praised the Lord, My Sweet Jesus saved me yet again.
    I then called my Vicar, who came,sat and prayed a simple prayer in the house. None of touching the walls or reciting any unusal words. Just a simple prayer. I have to say since then my house is blessed. I have many christian friends who were praying for me too at that time of events. The only thing that changed, for me to have these three attacks is the fact i was due to start a Lifegroup. The fact that my faith was standing in Christ. The devil fights the hardest when he knows God has something wonderful planned for you. My faith was growing in God and it did not want that. I hear that when you stop praying or idolising the non living gods,for me it was (my indian religion) the devil becomes restless when you go the Lord. He wants to bring you back down to him (devil), so you will no longer believe in the one Living God. They work in teams and been sent down to terrorise you into believing your worshipping the wrong god. To get you back to prayerless non living idol worshipper you were once before. To get you back to gates of hell. It could have also have been a test for me, for my faith.

    Praise be to God, Glory to Sweet Jesus. I know i have had many downs & ups since walking with Jesus, but i have to admit, he talks to us through the scriptures and my Lord is amazing. I am nothing, yet he given me everything. Praise be to God.

    My next story is very recent to this day infact. I have been divorced for years and wanted a relationship with someone (god fearing, christian) suitable for me.
    I recently prayed about a male i kept noticing in the mall, i wondered if this is the one for me, but the holy scriptures clearly told to me to keep away and wait, god has something else planned. However i left it in God’s hands, god is so good to us. I went shopping today, i saw this male and he was walking out of the shop with his shopping. I walked into the shop and continued my shopping. Bit of a shock, This male i kept noticing, finally came over to me today and said hello even though he purchased his food, was well out of the store walking towards his motor vehicle whilst i was parking up. Now he is always on his own, no wedding ring so i presumed he is single. He started talking to me at the mall and it so happens he started telling me his life story. The problem is, he had no need to, just about having a lot of money, owning plenty of houses. He was married but surprise not happily. Slowly it unveiled to me, that he was trying it on (i dont notice these things fast). He came to hug me, i tapped him on the shoulders and walked on. I then later talked to a friend, that he mentioned to me. He thought i might not know them well. I found out he is a player. So no matter what, from here you can clearly see God knows and told me to wait, he cleared the path for me to see what he is like and that this man is not the man for me.
    I know i have not written this in depth. Overall, do not estimate that Jesus does not hear you or talk to you. Clear your heart, repent and watch him come near to you. He will carry you, through the trials, he will walk with you, he will comfort and support you, he will deliver you from the most darkest and most hopeless situation. If there is a problem, take it to god before you talk about it to anyone else.
    Trust him, Put the Lord your God first and you will never be second. Do you ever wake up and say Good Morning God, Jesus?

    I have many more stories but for now, i wanted to share this with you. So for anyone who is loosing heart, when it gets too hard to stand, drop to your knees and pray to him, he will deliver.

    Sometimes god takes us to troubled waters to cleanse our souls. Just remember that too.

    God bless you all.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am in my 30’s I used to have a good life, (good means I capable of doing things on my own, doing my own decisions). I thought my life is complete when I met someone who made me realized I am missing the most important thing/person to have “GOD”. I started shaping my life then, asking for forgiveness and a chance to re re-born. But all of a sudden everything are stumbling down, problems after problems came. I gave up my old way of living and gave help to the person whom I thought who needed the financial help. But struggles are pouring heavily, I don’t understand what’s happening, just when I turned my life into following God then I suffered difficulties that I could never imagine exist. Broke, hopeless, deppressed and so much more, Kept on praying but everytime I kneel down and fast for hope and answer, he gave me more problems. Does God really hear and grant prayers at all?

      • Paula says:

        we don’t know what to pray the spirit groans on our behalf – doesn’t it say something llike that in the bible. God’s ways are mysterious to natural man

    • Paula says:

      thank you for sharing. I too have had experience of a demon on my bed, though not so dramatic as yours. I’ve had other experiences too, such as when christ gave me a revelation of being dead, but conscious. I was deep into study at a wonderful group, where the leader is a true prophet of God (people will snear, but God still has his prophets). Anyway, I was caught up in a spiritual path (I say ‘was’ because I’m backslid a bit lately due to a busy job that thankfully i got fired from a few days ago so should be able to get back on Christ path if i try hard – and he will provide a job for me i’m sure, though Joy is sometimes shaken by this life, often). Anyway as I was saying I was caught up on the spiritual path of christ though you don’t fully realise it at the time until you fall off it for a while and realise life is empty, and one day I was lying on my bed and dozed off (can’t remember what time of day it was). Then i awoke, and I was in this split-second reality of being deceased on a mortuary slab (my bed is quite a firm matress!) and yet fully conscious! Our wonderful ministry fully convinced that after death we are eternally conscious- no ‘sleep’ or ‘rest’ as the religious like to say, but fully conscious. In this spiritually awakened state I was just aware of spiritual consciousness, not of it being good or bad. This in retrospect means to me that Christ is telling me that I will be conscious after death but it is still in my power whether that will be conscious in heaven or in hell. ‘Born’agaian’ Christians like to say that heaven is guaranteed, but every day we choose our eternal destiny, and there is evidence in the Hebrew scriptures (don’t say Old – they too are Christ’s word just as much as the Greek) that God will decide on you eternal destiny depending on your state at time of death. just because he knows in advance doesn’t mean we don’t have a say in it. Our life here on earth determines our final destiny.

      • Paula says:

        by the way, re. the testimony of being dead on the mortuary slab, it wasn’t the ministry that persuaded me of consciousness after death, but Christ the Living himself.

  82. jason says:

    wow! im 26 and finding myself lost and scarred and hopeless of my future. ive never pursued an education, and are seeing friends and family members having so much success around them and me falling behind. im not performing the best at the moment in my job of sales and fear my performance may cost me my job. Ive always had this sense of hopelessness as these years gone by even though i know god has blessed me with opportunities to travel the world and work aboard. I have so much good around me, great parents great family, support all around me but i still always end up thinking negative and putting myself down therefore doubting a prosperous future. This article really help me understand that i need to trust god more than ever and realize that my life in general has been filled with blessings and i need to be thankful of that everyday. god has been so good to me. The verses you provided are exactly what i needed to hear and read.I trust the god and pray that he washes away all this negativity i have created and remind myself how the enjoy of knowing Christ is far greater!

    • Paula says:

      what you say is good, but I also sense that doing some further study (at a college or independantly) would bring you satisfaction in this life (and there is nothing wrong with that – just don’t treat it as a replacement for God). You could start by reading some of the great works of literature such as John Steinbeck to name only one. This would start to stretch you intellectually. How about some computer skills too, or update/extend those you already have. The possibilities are endless. Then look to God too. Best of both worlds. (Don’t make the mistake I did, in thinking study of art, computer, science or whatever can replace God though, or you will end up as an empty shell.) God bless

  83. Jon says:

    I learned in church that god will remove a branch from our lives to regrow a new one weather it was a good one or a bad he removes what he deems for you to become closer to I Am ….. for all the people on this site speaking id like to say that if you didnt believe in god or that he loves you then why did he inspire you to look for him in others why are you crying out as stones to a well being flushed of water ……i had a dream once and all it said was ye of little faith do not seek gods favor seek his guidence and love and above all sisters and brothers no matter we to hell or paradice praise his name YAHweh amen

  84. Amara says:

    Hi. Great article. I was reading through the replies to some comments and you said in one that God has a purpose for each of our trials? I’m 15 and after backsliding I recentky just started following God. And it came to a point that I decided that I’m giving all for God and just soon after I made that declaration, doubt started to come in. I can’t even find the root of my doubts.(Doubts as in doubting God’s existence). Now it’s come to the point that I’m strugling with my faith. It’s like I believe at the same time I don’t believe. Is this God’s purpose too? Is it something to make me draw closer to him? I’m confused.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Good question, Amara.

      I think you are right that God has allowed these doubts as a way to draw you closer to him.

      Let this be a time where you see how desperately you need his grace even to believe, and you turn to him with all your heart, and cry out to him “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).

      Then maybe you could read passages like Romans 1 (on how God has given us evidence for his existence in creation), and 1 Corinthians 15: 4-8 (on all the eyewitnesses saw Jesus alive after rising from the dead).

      Pray over these passages, and continue to cry out to God to strengthen your faith. Confess any known sin, and cry out to him for help in fighting that as well.

      Turn from any reliance on your own goodness, and rely on Jesus and his blood and righteousness alone to make you acceptable before God.

      As you do this, he will be faithful to meet you. He promises.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  85. Ki Turnbull says:

    I feel hopeless because I want to leave a legalistic religion, but I’m terrified that I’ll be lost if I do. I’ve heard for years that leaving the church basically guarantees my loss of salvation, but church services just leave me feeling lower than dirt, because I can NEVER live up to their standards. Having Asperger’s doesn’t help. Salvation is a heavy burden but I’m sure that’s not how God intended it.

    When I’m alone with Jesus everything is simple and beautiful and I feel like a child with her best friend, but at church I feel clumsy and ignorant, not good enough, like God won’t love me if I’m not perfect. Religion is so complicated. I’m so overwhelmed and weighed down by its rules that I just want to curl up and cry.

    God doesn’t want empty puppets, and that’s all I am! I do what they say because I don’t feel like I’m qualified to make my own decisions. Because that’s what I’ve been taught – just do what the pastor says and you’ll be saved. There’s no call to think on my own, and I’m scared to ask questions. I’m afraid of simply LIVING, because what if I’m not living right? What if, what if, what if?! I have to cut on my chest with a scalpel just so I can feel like I’m in control of something.

    Right now, I almost wish I never existed.

    Depression is an ugly beast!

    • Chaplain Doug says:

      Dear Ki: Salvation is not given by churches nor can it be revoked by churches. Even better news, salvation is given freely by God and NEVER revoked by Him. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). HE gives you the faith and HE sees you through to the end!

      If you look to others or to yourself, you will always find reasons to despair. Look unto Jesus and you will never be disappointed. Just remember, your position and value in Jesus was established and sealed before the foundation of the world, YOU had nothing to do with it and YOU can do nothing to reduce your worth in God’s family. “He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love” (Eph 1:4).

      If you post your city/location, I will do my best to refer you to a church that preaches GRACE and your security and value in Jesus.

    • Paula says:

      Religion is an ugly beast – contrary to what Christ is. When jesus the man overturned the moneychangers/ traders etc table in anger it is signifying Christ/God’s anger at The church that oppresses with physical demands. Get out of there and on’t look back – the oppressive church is the devil in his most subtle guise (remember that Satan quoted scripture to Jesus in the desert and he knows how to oppress people using scripture). This is a spiritual battle. Thank God you know the joy of Christ in you quiet moments (“When I’m alone with Jesus everything is simple and beautiful and I feel like a child with her best friend..”)Do you seriously think Christ wants you to feel bad? Be aware that religious fraud is more likely to lead people to Hell than atheism?? It is like going a long way down the wrong path and even harder to get back on the right path – that is the path you are on when Christ is your friend indeed. Your repulsion at the church is your spirit’s repulsion at its falseness. I say again get out and do not so much as apologise to those devils in sheep’s clothing! God bless you on your path.

      • Ki Turnbull says:

        I’ve been searching the Scriptures diligently and I’ve discovered amazing things about grace. And I’ve found good commentaries on the Bible as well, such as Barnes’ Notes and The Life Of Jesus The Messiah. Each time I go to the thrift shop I hope to find another and each time I am blessed! Those teachers have helped me understand how secure I am in Christ. I feel happier than ever! And each time I open the Word of God I get another taste of His goodness.

        In the last few months God has led me over a mountain and I am so thankful for His mercy. Now I can see the false doctrine I’ve been taught all my life. I pray the Holy Spirit will guide my family to that same fountain of grace, so they can have the joy and peace I do!

  86. Chaplain Doug says:

    Dear Ki:

    Salvation is not given by churches nor can it be revoked by churches. Even better news, salvation is given freely by God and NEVER revoked by Him. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). HE gives you the faith and HE sees you through to the end!

    If you look to others or to yourself, you will always find reasons to despair. Look unto Jesus and you will never be disappointed. Just remember, your position and value in Jesus was established and sealed before the foundation of the world, YOU had nothing to do with it and YOU can do nothing to reduce your worth in God’s family. “He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love” (Eph 1:4).

    If you post your city/location, I will do my best to refer you to a church that preaches GRACE and your security and value in Jesus.

  87. Mallory Johnson says:

    Hello Steve Fuller , I am 15 . I was diagnosed with vitiligo 2 years ago , I have become insecure , overwhelmed, unhappy , and I feel as if God does not have a plan for me . My sister told my Christian family that she was atheist and later moved to Colorado out of state , my family despises her because she has left Gods path . She told me before anyone else that she didn’t believe anymore , the way she told me it felt as if she was trying to convince me that God did not exist , I never let her inside my head . I strayed from gods path also and it’s almost as if everywhere I go he is in my mind . I cannot stop thinking about him ,But tonight I needed some encouraging. And I’ve been looking at other people’s stories and was re assured that someone out there always has it worse . And I can’t help but be sad because my condition is spreading . It hasn’t spread far but I feel like God put me in this situation to lead me back to him , or to punish me . And I just need some advice on what to do , I want to feel better . I want to be the happy kid I was 2 years ago . And I want to get back on his path .

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Thank you for sharing your story, Mallory.

      And the best counsel I can give is already written in posts on this blog.

      Use the “Categories” section to the right to find posts that would be helpful for you.

      And do all you can to be part of a Bible-believing, Jesus-loving church where you can be prayed with and for by other wise and godly believers.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  88. Daniel says:

    Hey. I sometimes feel like people are making fun of me behind my back every time when I am walking in a public place. I’m a senior in high school by the way. I also have autism and social anxiety. It’s hard for me to talk to people because of it. I can say a few things but then I just lose it completely. People just drive me crazy. It’s mostly in school. Sometimes the arrogant teachers(Not all are) piss me off and the snobby kids piss me off. I try to lucid dream so I can prepare for what’s coming. I’m scared! I don’t know what to do man. Lucid dream and entering a fantasy world where anything is possible can relieve my stress and I will be prepared for what’s coming.

  89. B says:

    Hi I’m Barbara, 20 years old and have been feeling depressed/lonely lately. I live at home with my divorced mom, no friends and go to community college- while old friends from high school go to 4 year universities and are having fun, lost a lot of weight, and just happy while I sit here sad everyday. I’m also on financial aid which limits how much I can work, so I no longer have a job. Although, I’m on the honor roll/apart of a nerd-organization I dread school and waking up each day. I tried doing different activities, and either they didn’t interest me or didn’t last. Such as: taking vocal lessons, going to shows, working out/eating healthy/losing weight, going out to clubs and such- but I always end up alone and going alone. No love life neither, just recently met a really bad guy and he left me for a girl in Thailand. Overall, I’m broken and feel very hopeless. I feel meaningless everyday, and I binge eat to take away my pain. I’ve been gaining weight, loss of energy and just losing myself. I don’t know what to do and what God wants me to do with my life. I pray twice a day, read the bible sometimes, and read Joyce Meyer books/prayer books, but I can’t seem to stay consistent and believe:( I’m so hurt and broken, and my food/sugar intake has only increased. I’m slightly over weight, but far from obese. I don’t even look at myself anymore, nor am I confident and like the way I look. I’m so lonely and cry pretty much everyday. I need help. I don’t go anywhere on the weekends either, because no one wants me nor wants to be my friend because I’m not thin and pretty like I was months ago. So lost, empty, and very hurt. 🙁

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Barbara —

      I am so sorry to hear about your difficulties.

      The best counsel I can give is to keep fighting to trust Jesus every day — using blog posts on this site, but especially relying on His Word.

      Find a church with some older godly women who can pray with and for you.

      You can be assured that in Christ God loves you and will satisfy you in himself and give you a life full of joy in him.

      I will pray for you right now.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

      • Frikkie says:

        Dear steve..
        I also like many before typed in the words hopeless, and came across this website. I spend some time reading the posts and comments and to be honest my heart felt so much pain for so many of the hurt people that commented on this site and the tears started rolling and all i wanted to do while reading and crying is just to reach out to everyone who.z posts i read… and than it hit me that everytime you came back and replied no matter what the questions and how hopeless the situations seemed. So tonight i feel the need to write this to you and just say that god loves you so much and is using you in such an amazing way and i hope you will continue in his ways and in his power and love.

  90. Daniel says:

    Hey. I’m in high school and I have social anxiety. I feel like everyone is laughing at me behind my back. We’re getting new schedules today and report cards. I probably failed some other classes and I might not graduate. I tried but I know I failed. I’m probably in rooms with obnoxious students and snotty teachers. My pet peeve. Social anxiety makes it worse. I also have autism. All these people do is disappoint. These people don’t care.

  91. Stellah says:

    Hello steve, im glad i stumbled onto this blog and reading through many of the comments made me feel a bit light knowing im not alone. Hopelessness is an understatement to me at this point. I feel like im at the verge of totally giving up. I am a born again Christian, i serve the lord and lead christian groups in my community and home church but it is getting too difficult to encourage others about Gods promise when i my self im discouraged And hopeless. I am 28 years nd i feel life has left me by. I have been unemployed 2 years now and i have prayed and claimed all promises but no change yet. Sometimes i do believe theres something God wants me to learn from this situation as he prepares me for greater things, but when i see my peers progressing without knowing God i feel beaten. Im i doing something wrong? Did i commit a great sin that im paying for? I am well studied compared to many of my peers in sub saharan africa. Iv acquired the best masters grade in my class from overseas, i am bright and smart but i cant seem to find a job. The few that look at my resume are not even shy to say im over qualified they cant employ me. I regret having gone for further studies, i regret studying hard because those that have lower grades are doing very well. Where is God in my situation? My faith is going down. My boyfriend of 6 years who loves me so much is struggling endlessly financially and though his faith in God is greater than mine, im always rubbing my hopelessness on him and blaming him for everything that is not going well. Im running out of patience with him and conteplating leaving him though i know he is a great man . i just want to jump off tbis merry go round of the world. I cant open my mouth to prau anymore and all i do is cry when i try to pray. Please advise me on what to do and how to gain back my faith nd surrender all to God. I do have friends who stand in prayer with me but im stil feeling hopeless. Pliz help me

  92. Sheila says:

    I am a single mom of three, and I’m currently going through a stressful divorce. My ex led me to believe while we were married that nothing we worked for while married was mine; it was all his. He is threatening me and willing to “do what he has to” to see that I am left with nothing. I’m also self-employed, my business is unstable, and I have no immediate family in the area. I’m a full-time nursing student as well.

    I’m really afraid of not being able to take care of my kids financially while I finish school with little to no help where I live now. The town I live in is also small, and he and his family have spread lies about me. I’m not perfect, but the things they are telling people aren’t true. I’m not sure if these things are affecting my decline in business.

    I have been praying and trying to give my worries to God, but I feel very hopeless and like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

  93. jenjen says:

    wow.. thank you for sharing this message… this truly makes a person to re-focus his/her trust unto Jesus.

  94. CEV says:

    Googled “what to do when you feel discouraged and full of pain” and your site was the first on the list. You have some great perspective. I have been in the valley for 11 years with various painful losses and disappointments of which included “chronic unemployment” (the last two jobs I accepted were out of desperation to only end after a short period). I have been unemployed for a year and a half now despite my diligent efforts and “good” interviews. I am ashamed with very little confidence and I feel my career has been destroyed. I am running out of time and looking into my future see empty darkness. I am terrified, discouraged and depressed because of my situation. I ask that you please pray for this tormented soul. Please pray that God provide a good permanent job today. I know His timing is perfect but time is not something I have too much of. Thank you.

  95. Martha Phiri says:

    of late i have been feeling like my faith in God is going down and down everyday. i have been a christian for some years but instead of my faith Him being great, i’m full of doubts, my faith in is below par, questions etc. and i am not enjoying my sleep because of this same thing. my mind is not free. i want to be filled with faith and belief in Him who made me who created me. i have been praying over this and i am asking for your prayers as well.

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