Living By Faith Blog


Biblical, battle-tested, real-life help for "living by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). — Steve Fuller

A Heart-Changing Worship Song (“Signature of Divine”)

Signature of DivineSkimming through Stations

Last week as I drove to an appointment I was restlessly skimming through radio stations, not finding anything interesting.

But then I landed on a Christian music station.

At first it was just the usual Christian DJ talk. But then they played a worship song.

Powerful Lyrics

As I listened, I was stirred by these lyrics —

Yahweh, Yahweh,

Great is your glory, when you go before me.

I thought about the word Yahweh, the name for God which means “I am who I am.”

That means God is the only being who is and does whatever He himself chooses to be and do.  Nothing can limit him.

Then I listened to the next line —

Holy, holy,

Your ways are lovely, so high above me.

 God’s holiness means that his perfections set him infinitely above everything else in existence.

In other words, his goodness, power, wisdom, and glory make him absolutely one-of-a-kind.

Heart Change

As I worshiped God for his freedom and power to do whatever he chooses to do, and his perfections which set him infinitely above us, I noticed my heart changing —

  • from seeing only problems and circumstances, to beholding God himself;
  • from spiritually dullness, to heartfelt worship;
  • from complacency, to love for Christ.

I hadn’t realized that I had been spiritually dull and complacent.

But as the Holy Spirit used the truth of God to change my heart, I could see how far from Christ I had been.

Which led me to confession of sin, fresh assurance of forgiveness through the Cross, and even greater worship and praise of my Redeemer.

Signature of Divine

So I wanted to share this worship song with you, with the prayer that the Father might use it in your life as he did in mine.

Let me know what God does in your heart –




What Did God Do in Your Heart?

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And here are some related posts you might find helpful –



Category: Worship Videos


3 Responses

  1. James Pegg says:

    “I noticed my heart changing… from spiritual dullness to heartfelt worship”

    What a quote! The effect of letting God be who He is. Yahweh.

  2. Amanda says:

    Needed this one. Thanks for sharing.

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