Living By Faith Blog


Biblical, battle-tested, real-life help for "living by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). — Steve Fuller

Can I Deliberately Keep Sinning And Still Be Forgiven? (Part Two)

StompLavish Grace

In my last post I described the lavish grace that’s ours in Christ — grace which forgives, justifies, frees, adopts, and keeps us persevering in faith until the end.

But then I raised the question — does this grace mean someone can deliberately keep sinning and be forgiven?

And I showed how Hebrews 10:26 answers that question —

For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.

Two Crucial Phrases

Don’t miss those words “go on” and “deliberate.”  The author is not saying that if you entertained a lustful thought yesterday, then you cannot be forgiven.  Not at all.

If you respond to that lust by turning to Christ, confessing your sin, and trusting Him to forgive you, help you, and satisfy you — then you are not “going on sinning deliberately.”  And you can be assured that you are forgiven.

But if you respond to that lust by anticipating the next lust, planning the next lust — then unless something changes you are “going on sinning deliberately.”

And — unless something changes — you will not be forgiven and you will face God’s judgment.

So — Is This You?

People are different.  Some have tender consciences, and can think every sin means God won’t forgive them.

Others have hard consciences, and are certain God will forgive them even if they go on sinning deliberately.

This passage is directed towards those with hard consciences.  So is this you?

Is there some clear biblical command which you are knowingly and willfully disobeying?  Consider — are you going on deliberately in —

  • Sexual sin?
  • Lying to someone?
  • Not forgiving someone?
  • Loving money more than Jesus?
  • Racism?

Remember — we are talking about “going on” in sin “deliberately.”  So are you going on in some sin without confession, without repentance, without crying out to Jesus for help?

If so — then unless something changes “there no longer remains a sacrifice” for your sins  (Heb 10:26).

Tenderizing Tough Consciences

God had the author of Hebrews write this warning because He loves you.  He wants you to pay heed to this warning so you will not face His judgment.

And to tenderize your tough conscience, God gives three pictures of what you are doing when you go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth.

These three pictures are given in v.29 —

How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has spurned the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?

First Picture

… the one who has spurned [literally: trampled upon, stomped on] the Son of God …

God the Son is the radiance of the Father’s glory, and the exact representation of His nature.  The Father loves His Son passionately, exuberantly, joyfully.

But — to save us from our sin, God the Father nailed His own Son to the Cross, had Him suffer on the Cross, punished Him on the Cross.  The only reason we can be forgiven is because God the Father was willing to punish His own Son for our sins.  Oh, we should thank the Father, and honor the Son!

But if we respond to this by going on sinning deliberately, then we are spurning — trampling upon, stomping upon — the Son of God.  Imaging pulling the Son of God down from the Cross, throwing Him on the ground, and stomping on Him.

You don’t want to do that.

Second Picture

… and has profaned the blood of the covenant…

As the Son of God died, He shed His own blood for us.  His blood is the blood of the covenant, which frees us from sin’s power progressively now — and completely in heaven.

There’s nothing as ugly as sin, as hateful as sin, as dangerous as sin.  And it’s glorious news that the blood of the covenant frees us from sin.  Oh, we should love the blood of the covenant!

But if we respond to this by going on deliberately in sin, continuing knowingly in sin, then we are profaning the blood of the covenant — spitting on it, desecrating it, mocking it.

You don’t want to do that.

Third Picture

and has outraged the Spirit of grace …

Because of the blood of the covenant, the Father gives us the Spirit of grace — the precious Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit loves the Son who has died on the Cross and poured out the blood of the covenant.  And the Spirit’s passion is to glorify Jesus, honor Jesus, magnify Jesus.

He does this by revealing to us the glory of Jesus, pouring into our hearts the love of Jesus, and strengthening our faith in Jesus.  Oh, we should love the Spirit of grace!

But if we go on sinning willfully — trampling underfoot the Son of God and profaning the blood of the covenant — then we outrage the Spirit of grace.  The Holy Spirit becomes furious — angry — outraged.

You don’t want to do that.

Take This Seriously

So if you are going on sinning deliberately, please take those pictures seriously.  You have been —

  • trampling underfoot the Son of God
  • profaning the blood of the covenant
  • outraging the Spirit of grace

And that’s why — if nothing changes — you will face God’s judgment forever.

But It Doesn’t Have To End There

Let’s say you have been going on sinning deliberately.  You’ve trampled underfoot the Son of God, profaned the blood of the Covenant, and outraged the Spirit of grace.

So what if right now you fall on your knees before Jesus Christ and say “I’m sorry.  Help me.  Forgive me.  Change me.”  What will happen?

The One you’ve trampled underfoot will love you — forgive you — embrace you.

The blood of the covenant you’ve profaned will wash you — change you — free you.

The Spirit you’ve outraged will comfort you — strengthen you — fill you.

So turn to Him now.

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And here are some related posts you might find helpful –


(Picture is from everystockphoto by Faster Panda Kill Kill.)

Category: Overcoming Sin and Temptation


25 Responses

  1. Ash says:

    A few weeks back, I discovered an unfeeling attitude towards sin. I believed sin was a bad, but I didn’t believe I was trampling underfoot the Son of God.

    Thanks for this post, Steve. I needed these words.

  2. pamela putumani says:

    I remember part 1 very well,because I was one of those who asked the very same question too.I’ve read the article,if I may call it that.
    To be honest,I do see myself in the passages there and I’m left wondering about where I stand with the Lord.all I know and sure of now is I’m not doing what I’m suppose to b doing and this is really disturbing me in a big way. Yes, I love my Father and greatful to His Son for not refusing to free me.
    Sinning knowing that I’m sinning is a path I’m on currently. This now is giving me some uneasy feelings. But,I know and trust in the Lord in a very big way. I don’t know what my next step will be from where I’m standing right now. I don’t know where to go and what to say to God. I’m lyk a mouse that got into a house that is not used to,lost n hoping to find a hole to hide. I don’t know if I still have anything of God in my heart in mind and in my soul. I’m like an empty vessel making a noise.

    I don’t know really where to start and where to from here. Do I give up and go back to who I was or do I repent! What if I can’t hold on again? What if I fail Him again? Is He even close in my heart anymore or did He give up on me?

    Iam scared.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Pamela,

      Thank you for sharing your story so honestly.

      Jesus is standing before you, with open arms, and everything you need to be forgiven, changed, and fully satisfied in Him.

      All you need to do is turn to Him from those other things — and look to Him — and trust Him. Confess to Him your sin — He will forgive you. Ask Him to free you from those temptations — He will so satisfy you in Himself that you power to say No.

      Pray verses like Mark 9:24; Eph 6:16; Psa 16:11; Jer 2:12-13. Use the Psalms to worship and see and love God. Read the Gospels to deepen your love for Jesus Christ. Find a church which has some loving, Christ-centered women who can pray with and for you.

      And don’t worry about not holding on again — as you turn to Him and trust Him — He promises that HE will keep you strong. If you fail Him again — just turn back to Him again. He is always there — if we will turn to Him. He has not give up on you. He’s standing right in front of you — waiting for you to turn to Him.

      Let me know what God does in your heart. I’ll pray for you right now.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  3. mark H says:

    Love your Blog, but confused about what you think about LOSING salvation, like one moment if you sin willingly you are not saved then when you are choosing Christ then you are being good, so you must be saved, WORKS. Why not just keep looking at Christ`s work on the cross, instead of pre-occupation with one PERFORMANCE?????

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Mark,

      Thank you for raising this important question.

      I do not believe someone can be genuinely saved, and then lose their salvation. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone — and God promises that when someone is saved in this way He will keep them persevering in faith and they will surely enter heaven.

      But then how are we to understand the warning in Hebrews?

      What it says is true: IF we continue in sin willfully then we will not be saved. But that does not mean someone can lose salvation, because no saved person will continue in sin willfully to this extent. Instead, saved people will let this warning alert them when they are drifting, so they turn back to faith in Christ and assurance of salvation.

      The basis for being assured of salvation is faith in Christ — looking to Christ for everything I need. And that usually (for me) includes looking to Him to strengthen my weak faith. But even weak faith is enough to bring assurance of salvation (Mark 9:24).

      So it’s not about my performance, or my works. It’s about looking to Christ by faith and trusting Him for all I need.

      I hope that helps, and again, thanks for the question.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  4. Jos says:

    I just want to know that in the last part you said “So what if right now you fall on your knees before Jesus Christ and say “I’m sorry. Help me. Forgive me. Change me.” What will happen?

    The One you’ve trampled underfoot will love you — forgive you — embrace you.

    The blood of the covenant you’ve profaned will wash you — change you — free you.

    The Spirit you’ve outraged will comfort you — strengthen you — fill you. ”

    Are there any scriptures to support it ? I just wanted to know for study.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Jos,

      Sorry for the delay in answering this; it got lost in the shuffle.

      Here are Scriptures I would use to support it. They all boil down to the fact that anyone — no matter what they have done — who turns to Christ with sincere repentance and faith will be welcomed, loved, forgiven, changed, and filled.

      Here are some passages you might find helpful —
      I John 1:9
      Psalm 51
      Luke 18:13-14
      Luke 7:47 (and the surrounding verses)
      Ephesians 2:8-9
      Romans 4:1-8

      I hope that helps.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  5. john hayward says:

    I have trampled underfoot all three and I feel outside the sheepfold. Can I ever get back in and walk with Jesus.
    Thank you for your articles.


    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Jon,

      Yes, you certainly can get back in and walk with Jesus, even if you have trampled underfoot all three.

      We are saved by faith alone in Christ alone, with no regard for what we have done in the past.

      So turn to him as you are. Look to his mercy. See his death on the Cross which can pay for all your sin. See his resurrection which is the same power that can change your heart. Confess your sin. Ask him to change you. Trust him to satisfy you far more than any sin can.

      As you do this, by means of prayer and the Word of God, he will come to you, help you, forgive and change and satisfy you.

      I would encourage you to use the Scriptures I gave to Jos in the comment right before yours.

      Let me know if this helps.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  6. Kim says:

    How can someone know if they are truly sorry for their sins? What if there is sin they are having trouble letting go of? Can they just ask God to forgive them and change their heart and He will?

  7. Josiah says:

    I need help and answers

    I have think I may have sinned deliberately, I sinned today at 12pm watching movies like people getting raped and killed ad having sex and I sinned yesterday at 1am with my own will to watch pornography and spill my seed, and three days after that I seen some images on my friends facebook page and I noticed these images which caused me to have lustful intent and I went to these images and looked at them then when to go spill my seed elsewhere, and then I did the same thing before when I recently became christian a month ago that time I did it three times, I,m 18 years old and I felt convicted when I had done them i didn’t feel right, because I felt grievy, and I didn’t know anything about willfully sinning until I read this article and I,m still learning and i feel ashamed and scared of my eternity.

  8. Samantha says:

    I have prayed the prayer of salvation multiple times 2-3 years ago but I went back to my old ways sinning against God knowing it was wrong. Sometimes I would just give up on salvation altogether thinking I’m not worthy of God’s grace. This time, when I asked Christ into my heart, I still gave into temptation of the flesh and of other people reapetedly, over and over, thinking, “Oh, God will forgive me.” Sometimes the Holy Spirit would tell me not to do something I know was wrong, yet I thought, “But if I don’t do this, such-and-such will get angry.” So I did it for the sake of them multiple times, and lately I’ve felt really guilty about it. It wasn’t worth going astray from. I doubted my salvation and endured many tearful nights of hopelssness. Days ago I did something horrible and I hated myself for it. I then ran into Hebrews 10:26 and got scared. That’s how I realized error of my ways. I felt something telling me in my soul, “Please come back to Me. You weren’t intended to live like this. I love you, My Child” I couldn’t live this. I prayed from my heart for Jesus Christ to forgive me for having a rebellious, black heart. I now hate my sin and know Jesus is my only way to heaven and enternity with Jehovah. I now want to live a life pleasing to God. But, will He give me another chace? If He does, how can I ensure I don’t make that mistake again? I’m kinda new to this.

  9. SYLAZ says:

    Thank you sooo much for the enlightenment of the word of God now am free by the power of the Holy Ghost. I will never be a victim of sin again from today because I have realised that sin is a dangerous thing for the Christian.The blood of Jesus should be valued in our lives . Thanks

  10. KyZz says:

    Steve, is presumptuous sin same as “deliberately keep on sinning”?

  11. Michael says:

    I’ve been struggling with Hebrews chapter 10:26-32 and 6:4-7. I’m going to forward you a short version I’ve sent to others on email:

    > As you know I confessed Christ as lord and savior at a very young age in your church, I believe 4th grade. As 6th grade started, I became a kid of this world who loved the illusions of this world. I believe sports was a form of idolatry for me. I don’t know how many times I referred to an athlete as an idol of mine, not thinking twice about the possible ramifications. I forgot about Christian life and grew into a life of indulging flesh and every sin I can think of. I was into drugs and alcohol most my life, chasing women or grossly thinking about them. At a point in my life, all my friends just dropped off the face of the earth. I blamed things going on in my life to conspiracy theories. I never realized the scripture that said he who disobeys the son, the wrath of God abides on him. It might have been 5 years ago or more, I was lying in bed with my eyes closed on pillow. I saw a picture of a head of a beast. Let me state, let’s not attribute what is happening to me being of Satan, if it’s God, isn’t that blasphemy? I just want to throw that warning out there. But this vision was clear, I can’t remember it at this point, I’m thinking something like a cartoon bull. I was sober and awake, I brushed the vision off. Maybe a year or 2 later, my cousin moves in. I start sharing a lot of his interests in philosophy, meditation, and pagan video games. I get into an argument with my dad one day and make statement “Christ was just a man, or Christ might have been just a man”. I said it out of anger, I didn’t believe the statements to be true, that I can recollect. I was just trying to shut my dad up. Maybe a year after that, which would have been probably 2 years ago. I was reading bible again and had a moment where I cried out to God , I felt a peace that I attributed to God or the Holy Spirit. Maybe it was all in my head, but it felt awesome. I felt like I was on the right track in my walk with the Lord. Before long though, I’m drinking, doing drugs, committed adultery, indulging flesh . Right back where I was as a sinner. About 5 months ago on a Sunday, I have urge to start reading Bible again, and all these sinful urges just stopped in me. I was still smoking cigarettes, but eventually quit that. I haven’t had a drink or done a drug since, Nothing sexually either which is crazy for me. I felt like God had supernaturally cleaned me up. I was reading Old Testament and got a frightening peak of how God viewed sin. I felt like I had a week of repenting I’d never experienced before. Looking back, I think it’s better to repent first then be saved. You have to see sin the way God sees it so you don’t get stuck in it. Then about a month ago I was having a bad week. I was attending bible study at a baptist church and there was a parable about Christ sending out invites to everyone, but some showed up and weren’t properly clothed and were thrown out were there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. It was as if eyes where on me during that part of story. I call a minister I know in Dallas, he is trying to give me scripture of support. He reads from Hebrews chapter 10 but stops on vs 25 at 10amcause he had to get off phone. I continue reading 26 and am terrified. I turn on radio and John MacArthur is discussing same passage. I had a hard time sleeping the following 4-5 days. It was as if something was terrorizing me right after I went to sleep. I was reminded of King Saul when he disobeyed God, God sent an evil spirit to him. Third night of tossing and turning I prayed to God one night, and sparks shot out of my fan light which hadn’t worked in at least a year. A couple nights later, at about 2am, I go in front yard to pray. I see sparks about 20-40 feet in sky in different directions, I ran inside. I laid in bed and felt a presence over me that felt for lack of a better description, lusty. I tried to pray it off and fell asleep. I had a dream that was lusty. Next morning I open scripture up as if taken to passage about those who defile the flesh even in their dreams. I can’t remember which day, but a ball player I have on Facebook who never posts, posted a message “in the spirit”. This was after I was reading up on passage about those who dwell in flesh won’t inherit kingdom of God vs those with fruit of spirit. Irony of that is the ball player was somebody I called my idol most my childhood. Minister in Dallas sends me a chapter to read for encouragement, it’s Philippians 3. All I get out of that chapter is verse 18, vs on judgement. I’m also reminded of Peter talking about a dog returning to it’s vomit, 2nd state worse than first, and it would have been better for that person to have not known the truth than to forsake the Holy commandment given him. I went to church last night, interesting enough they have a segment about the spirit that terrorized King Saul. I had things happen last night I’m not going to go into that I tie into all this. There are things happening to wildlife around me I can’t quite explain. Did I commit apostasy by saying Christ was just a man? Am I the dog that returned to its vomit and is doomed? I have a fear of God in me and a view of sin that was missing my whole life.about 5 months ago, I sold all my movies, stopped listening to music, stopped watching tv and have a much more focused mind, but feel like I’m condemned. I’m like an outcast at this point, but maybe God is protecting his people from . Anyhow, I feel like I’m seeing the gospel really clear as being much watered down, but I’m hoping I’m seeing it wrong out of arrogance. There’s so many subtle forms of idolatry we all engage in and don’t realize like TV , music, hobbies, and sports. This is my story. It’s odd but a couple nights ago I awake to TV and see black goats and get a call that morning from a security place at an old job. I told them I know longer work there and they said they’d scratch me off the list. I’m reminded of the goats vs the sheep and lambs book of life. That sounds like I’m connecting a tad much, but bottom line is this, try to view sin the way God views sin. Look up all the scripture about “the fear of the Lord”. It might save you from what I’m experiencing.

  12. Matt Barlow says:

    This was a blessing , I thought since i kept sinning deliberately that i was hellbound and that I could never repeant. The Lord works in Mysterious ways. Never feel unworthy guys because you are worthy through Christ, and to say your not worthly is an insult to his great sacriface and to also take it as if his death was in vain. Fight!Fight!Fight! Those sins away down to hades where it all started. Love is the key to eternity!

  13. Kate says:

    I came across this while googling “deliberately sinning against God.” Recently I broke and deliberately slept with a guy friend. The whole time I kept saying to myself “this is wrong this is wrong! Jesus forgive me!” I truly felt his grace after and spent the day just seeking after him evaluating myself and my relationship with him. Then 2days later I did the same sin again tho the next day in front of my guy friend I cried and said “I can’t do this anymore!” And all the while inwardly I was begging God to have mercy on me. Unfortunately I would commit the same sin 2 more times. The last time I battled for hours before hand. I made plans with this guy. I now feel like the worst person on the planet. I feel like how can he forgive me when I consciously did it! Especially for the fact I planned it. And I KNEW it was wrong that it was against God and I served myself instead of doing what was pleasing to God. Instead of carrying my cross I threw it down and ran from it. I know that there is always grace but that doesn’t mean we can abuse that and keep on sinning thinking “well I’m already forgiven.” I know in my mind I thought “well if I do this I know he will forgive me.” Now that makes me feel worse because I know that’s making the sin even more deliberate. Also, a part of me doesn’t want to stop while another is like “yes I need out! I can’t lose this relationship with God. I’d truly be without anything anymore!” Am I too far gone?

    • DC says:

      “Through sanctification, sin does lose its power over us and we can become stronger. But we never stop sinning because we are human. Therefore, all of us have to keep turning back to Jesus time after time. It’s only when we stop returning to God after sinning and start pretending like our sins are OK that we begin doing very serious damage to our relationship with God”.

      This has helped me. Thank you for sharing

  14. kaylay says:

    this really spoke to me,im very weak and cant resist temptation,i’ve been feeling bad about all the things i’ve done even after finding the true way of the Lord and i have been asking myself questions about whether God is gonna be able to forgive me or not,sometimes i felt unworthy of His forgiveness,i didnt even want it,i know that prayer is power,that if you confess with your mouth God shall hear you and He has made me strong in the past and i was able to resist temptation,i dont know why its so hard for me to trust in Him and know that He is there with me always,that all that i need to do is to just pray,pray at that very moment when im about to give in to temptation and He shall make me strong,my heart wants to trust and accept God but my mind and my body cant resist the desires…thank you for this even though im still a bit confused but thanks,its a great start

  15. kaylay says:

    im an 18 year old,my church doesnt allow me to drink or smoke but i find myself not being able to resist temptation everytime,my heart wants to repent n seek God but both my mind and my body still wants to continue with this bad behaviour because it makes me feel good,but i always end up being drunk and doing stupid things like having sex with guys i dont even love and end up being so ashamed,i’ve prayed about it but i cant stop,can God forgive me even when i sin consciously and purposefully and how can i kick off this bad behaviour and walk with the Lord?

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hello Kaylay —

      Yes, God can surely forgive you no matter how consciously and purposefully you have sinned.

      Because of what Jesus did on the cross, you can turn to him just as you are.

      Confess your sin to him. Look to Jesus by faith, trusting him to forgive you, change you, and satisfy you more than anything else.

      Then pray over God’s promises and continue to confess. God will use all of this to strengthen you.

      It would also be good to have some wise, loving, and godly older women who can pray with and for you.

      I hope that helps —

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  16. joy says:

    Hey steve
    i think i deliberately keep sinning sexually because of an addiction, what do do?? I love God

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Hi Joy,

      Thank you for raising such an important question.

      I would encourage you that the Bible does not describe sexual activity as an addiction.

      Instead, sexual sin has its origin in our own sinful nature.

      But that is good news, because Jesus died to free us from sin’s guilt and sin’s power.

      He frees us from sin’s guilt the moment we trust in Him as Savior, Lord, and Treasure.

      And He frees us from sin’s power progressively throughout out lives, by the power of the Spirit so satisfying our hearts in Christ that we don’t want sin.

      So the biblical steps I describe in this blog post will be used by God to set you more and more free from sexual sin.

      I hope that helps and encourages you.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  17. Deybet says:

    -Kate there’s still hope Jesus died on the cross for our sins no matter how bad the sins are But you have to stop once and for All anything you must do to not sin take a walk Call a pastor call out to god tell him that you need him but Not sin Again keep in mind When you feel like sinning ask yourself Heaven or hell sometimes that works for me

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