Living By Faith Blog


Biblical, battle-tested, real-life help for "living by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). — Steve Fuller

What Is The Peace Of Christ?

What is the peace of ChristWhat is the peace of Christ?

The phrase appears once in the Bible — in Colossians 3:15 —

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.

So this verse teaches that —

  • there is such a thing as the peace of Christ
  • the peace of Christ can rule in my heart
  • the peace of Christ is not always ruling in my heart
  • there is something I can do to have the peace of Christ rule in my heart

So — what is the peace of Christ?

It’s something we feel

The word “peace” refers to a feeling.

It’s the opposite of feeling worry or frustration or despair or boredom.

It’s how we feel when everything is good — when our circumstances are bringing us full and lasting joy and pleasure.

But this peace does not depend on circumstances.

Which is why Paul calls it —

The peace OF CHRIST

The peace of Christ is a feeling of peace that is given to us by Christ when we trust — not our circumstances — but all that God promises to be to us in Christ.

Try this —

Think about what you are feeling right now.  Maybe it’s fear, or frustration, or boredom.

Now — set your heart on the following promises.  Read my summaries, but especially the verses, slowly and prayerfully.  Notice what happens in your heart as you look to God’s promises and trust Him —

  • to forgive all your sins so forever He will love you and fulfill all His promises to you (Rom 3:23-24; Rom 8:1; 2Cor 5:21)
  • to fully satisfy your heart now and forever in Himself (in who He IS — not in what He GIVES) (Psa 16:11; John 6:45; John 7:37-38; Phil 3:8-9)
  • to keep you from stumbling all the way to heaven (Phil 1:6; Jude 1:24-25)
  • to reward your obedience with even more joy in Him (John 14:21; Matt 5;8; Heb 12:14)
  • to orchestrate every event in your life (including trials) to bring you even more joy in Him (Jer 29:11; 2Cor 4:16-18; 1Pet 4:12-13)
  • to give you everything else you need in such a way that you are fully and lastingly satisfied in Him (Phil 4:13; James 1:5; Phil 4:19; Mat 6:33; 2Cor 9:8)

What happened in your heart?

Ask yourself —

  • Were you assured that through Christ you are completely forgiven and loved by God?
  • Did you taste Christ as your all-satisfying Treasure — so you wanted Him more than sin, more than anything?
  • Did you see that Christ will keep you in the faith all the way to heaven?
  • Did you trust that He would reward every step of obedience with even more joy in Him forever?
  • Did you see that you don’t need to fear any trial — because He will orchestrate everything to bring you even more joy in Him?
  • Did you see that He will provide everything else you need (wisdom, finances, strength, children, marriage, friends, work, career) in whatever way will give you the greatest joy in Him?

If so — then you experienced the peace of Christ.

If not — don’t be discouraged.

Ask yourself — which of the above truths were you not trusting?

Pray over those Scriptures until you feel the Holy Spirit strengthening your faith and changing your heart.

As He does — you will experience the peace of Christ.

My definition

So what is the peace of Christ?

The peace of Christ is the feeling of peace that comes from tasting Christ as your highest joy and trusting that He will do everything necessary to bring you even more of His joy.

And Paul calls us to “let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts.”

What does that mean?

Even though we have been saved, we won’t be free from sin until heaven.

In the meantime — we still have sin in us.

Picture sin like enemy soldiers trying to conquer your heart.

A militia of worry is attacking from the left — a cavalry of greed is charging on the right — a battalion of boredom is advancing head-on.

But we have the sword of the Spirit — the Word of God.

And when we ask for the help of the Holy Spirit — and pray over Jesus’ promises in His Word — that sword will be unsheathed and will mow down the militia of worry, the cavalry of greed, and the battalion of boredom.

And the peace of Christ will rule.

To war!

Comments?  Feedback?

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And here are some related posts you might find helpful —


Category: Finding Peace and Joy


6 Responses

  1. Jon says:

    Thanks Steve, great post. Just a thought -since we as humans respond to circumstances isn’t the peace of Christ not so much in spite of our circumstances but a realization of our TRUE Circumstance? not the circumstances that the world, the flesh and the devil try to convince us we’re in (and way too effectively), but the truth of our condition in Christ? Kind of like your example of thinking we’re tired and board as we are walking along (looking at our limited circumstance) until we remember that we are walking to the bank to collect the $1,000,000,000,000 waiting for us (looking at the true big picture circumstance)

    • Steve Fuller says:

      You’re absolutely right, Jon. Really important point — because it’s not that peace depends on ignoring our circumstances — that would never work. It’s that peace involves the Holy Spirit opening our eyes to our true circumstances.

      Love it!

  2. Kyle Laplante says:

    “He will provide everything else you need (wisdom, finances, strength, children, marriage, friends, work, career) in whatever way will give you the greatest joy in Him?”

    thats an amazing thought. i selfishly wonder sometimes why theres something that isnt being provided for me at that exact moment. the reason is because God has a better plan and He is going to provide it to me in the way that is going to give me the greatest joy in Him! awesome! thats a blessing to look forward to.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      This truth has also deeply impacted me, Kyle. I’m so glad you found it encouraging.

      Let’s keep our hearts set on Jesus Christ as our all-satisfying Treasure — He is worth it all!

  3. Kathleen Van Tries says:

    Thank yo for this explanation. This morning in reading my prayers I was touched by the sentence let the peace if christ rule in your hearts. I am discovering I read many thoughts but I don’t necessarily understand really absorb what I am reading. God is teaching me to chew small pieces and really swallow let them be absorbed into my system. It’s wonderful. You image of enemy soldiers trying to conquer the heart was wonderful. God had shown me following him is like a football game. Who’side are you carrying the ball of life for? God or Satan? Too often we pass the ball to evil not realizing we can tackle evil with God’s word. Thank you kathy

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