Living By Faith Blog


Biblical, battle-tested, real-life help for "living by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). — Steve Fuller

How To Worship BY The Spirit (“The Power Of The Cross” Worship Video)

[My wife and I are on vacation, so my blog posts will be brief, and maybe a bit inconsistent.  We will be back the week of August 27th.]

Worship isn’t easy

It’s not.

Not because Jesus Christ isn’t glorious.

But because our sin so often blinds us.

Sin can dull our hearts so we love Facebook, Monday Night Football, or shopping more than Jesus.

So what can we do?

We need help to overcome the blindness and dulness of our hearts.

And the good news is that God gives us all the help we need so we can worship.

That’s what Paul tells us in Philippians 3, where he says that we “worship BY the Spirit of God” (Phil 3:3).

That crucial word “by”

Imagine that God said — “travel 200 miles by car.”

To obey this you would get into your car and drive 200 miles.  No problem.

But what if you ignored the part about the car — and tried to travel 200 miles by walking?

Big problem.

But that’s what we do

Too often that’s what we do with worship.

We ignore the words “by the Spirit of God.”  We enter into worship thinking we can worship by our own power.

But then — when we see our dulness, our lack of focus — we get discouraged or give up.

But when Paul says we worship BY the Spirit of God, he means —

  • we are not able to worship God by our own power
  • we need help to be able to worship
  • the Holy Spirit will give us the help we need

But how?

How do we experience this work of the Spirit?

There’s no formula.  The Spirit is not under our control.

But God has given us steps by which He will mercifully work in our hearts by the Spirit.

Here are steps I’ve found helpful —

Ask for the work of the Spirit.

In Luke 11:13 Jesus promises that when we ask — the Father will increase in us the work of His Spirit.

So as you prepare to worship — take time to ask the Father, in Jesus’ name, to pour His Spirit upon you.

Ponder the truth of who God is

In Gal 3:5 Paul says that God will provide us with more of the Spirit’s work as we “hear with faith.”

So set your heart on the truth of God — and behold Him.  Think on Him.  Trust Him.

Declare to God

Declare to God the truth of who He is —

You are glorious — loving — faithful.

It’s also helpful to declare the truth of your heart —

I am barely feeling your glory, love, and faithfulness.  But that doesn’t change who You are.

Regardless of how I am feeling, You ARE glorious.  Loving.  Faithful.

Expect the Spirit to work

As you pray, ponder, and declare — you will (in time) feel the Holy Spirit changing your heart.

Like Jesus promised —

He who comes to me will not hunger; he who believes in me will never thirst. (John 6:35)

Try this — with the song “The Power of the Cross.”

Take some time to worship Jesus Christ — “BY the Spirit of God.”

Ask the Father, in Jesus’ name, to increase on you the work of His Spirit.

Let this song help you ponder the truth of Jesus Christ.

Then declare to Him the truth of who He is — and the truth of your heart.

And as you ask, and ponder, and declare — expect the Holy Spirit to work.




How did this impact you?

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And here’s some related posts you might find helpful —


(Picture on everystockphoto by anitapatterson.)

Category: Growing in Worship, The Work of the Spirit, Worship Videos


4 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful song, great advice. Thank you Steve- Bless you brother! ~ Bill

  2. Johnnya says:

    Hey Steve,

    Congrats on 35 years – Wonderful! in thought to your post, it is often a place of discouragement for me to think about this – here is the King of Creation, certainly worthy of praise, honour and worship – but it is something that we cannot give – without His intercession (almost enabling us to praise Himiself – He is worthy of beter!) It is always a sad thought to me – it’s kind of like marriage and after 35 years of being together, you desire to show love, honour, worthship? to your wife, but you can’t – you ask her for help “help me love you – for I don’t have it within me” I wonder how she would feel about such a statement? But as I continue to ponder the situation, I suppose what I am saying to my wife – is – “i don’t want to give you any ol’ praise / love, I really want you to feel loved – How best do i do it?” Then she realises your heart is where she wants and true love, praise and worthship flow from the heart that wants to other to receive it truely (not just whatever we give) – God I want you to be truely worshipped and I need your Spirit to enable me to do it. For I think (even though He works with my desire), that for it to be worship from me – it must have an aspect of me in that desire. Just some thoughts – I continue to ponder as I desire for God to be be worshipped as He deserves.

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