Living By Faith Blog


Biblical, battle-tested, real-life help for "living by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). — Steve Fuller

Reorient Your Life With Worship (“At Your Name”)

A lesson from the Boy Scouts

I’ll never forget being out in the wilderness and looking at a map — not knowing which way to turn it to fit the terrain.

If I was facing North but the map was pointing South — I’d never be able to figure out which mountain peak was in front of us, which canyon we were in, which trail would take us home.

So the first step was to REORIENT the map — using a compass to make sure the map was pointing North.

Then — all the terrain made sense — and we could find our way home.

Worship reorients our lives

When our hearts are not oriented to God’s glory in Jesus Christ — we won’t be able to understand the purpose of our lives, the reason we face trials, the nature of the battle, the true state of our hearts.

So the first step is to REORIENT our lives — using the compass of worship to point us to God’s glory.

Try this

Here’s a video of Phil Wickham’s powerful worship song “At Your Name.”

Take a moment — and ask the Father to increase the work of His Spirit in you.

Ask Him to enable you to worship in Spirit and Truth.

And then let this worship song reorient you to God’s glory in Jesus Christ.

What I experienced

I just listened again to this song — and worshiped.

Here’s what I experienced —

  • Discouragement about being sick for a week lifted as I saw God in sovereign power over my health.
  • Frustration over my lack of productivity eased as I bowed before God’s love and goodness.
  • My heart which had been dutifully and unfeelingly plodding along melted before the beauty of God.

May God powerfully meet you.


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And here’s some related posts you might find helpful —


(Picture is on everystockphoto by TheBarrowBoy.)

Category: Worship Videos


2 Responses

  1. Liz Whiteaker says:

    Beautiful! Thank you, Steve.

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