Living By Faith Blog


Biblical, battle-tested, real-life help for "living by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). — Steve Fuller

How to Extinguish Every One of Satan’s Flaming Darts

The bad news

Every day Satan fires flaming darts at us (Eph 6:16).

Maybe it’s bitterness over your husband’s busyness.

Or guilt about yesterday’s lust.

But every day we face Satan’s destructive darts.

But there’s good news

God gives us a weapon which will quench every dart.

That’s what Paul says in Eph 6:16 —

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.

How many darts can we extinguish with the shield of faith?  ALL of them.

Not ONE of his darts needs to hurt us.

They can ALL be extinguished — by the shield of faith.

Wielding the shield

But that doesn’t happen automatically.

Shields need to be picked up — and wielded.

So how do we pick up — and wield — the shield of faith?

Here are some steps I’ve found helpful —

First — identify the flaming dart

Let’s say you are bitter about what someone did to you.

At that moment you can think your main problem is WHAT THEY DID TO YOU — gossiping, shunning you, whatever.

But Paul says you’ve got another even more serious problem — your BITTERNESS about what they did to you.

That bitterness is a flaming dart fired by Satan to destroy you.

Same is true with lust.  Greed.  Boastfulness.  Or impatience.

So first — identify the dart.

Secondtrust that this dart can be quenched.

When you are bitter (or discouraged, or proud) — you can feel like your heart will never change.

That’s why it’s crucial to see your bitterness as a flaming dart from Satan — that can be quenched.

I know.  It doesn’t feel like it can be quenched.

But God says it CAN BE be quenched.

Look again at Eph 6:16 —

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you CAN extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.

You CAN.  But how?

Third — understand that it can be quenched by the shield of faith

Not by looking on the bright side.

Not by taking a break.

Not by distracting yourself.

None of those will quench the flaming dart.

Because none of those involve faith in Jesus Christ.

The only way to quench Satan’s darts is with the shield of faith.

But how do you pick up that shield?  How do you use it?

Fourth — turn to Jesus Christ.

The shield is a shield of faith — and faith means trusting Jesus Christ.

So — as an act of the will, turn your heart to Jesus Christ.

You don’t need to change your heart first.  Because of His mercy you can turn to Him as you are.

So turn to Him, and ask Him to forgive you for your bitterness, or discouragement, or whatever.

Ask Him to strengthen your faith (Mark 9:24).

Ask Him to destroy Satan’s flaming dart (Eph 6:16).

Then —

Fifth — find promises which counter the flaming dart.

Faith means trusting God’s promises.

So it’s crucial to find promises in God’s Word which counter the flaming dart.

Let’s take that bitterness about what someone did to you.

A helpful promise for this dart is Genesis 50:20 —

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.

More on this promise in a second —

But if you have a hard time finding a promise, try searching through this site, or ask some believing friends.

To wield the shield you must have a promise from God’s Word.

Sixth — pray over those promises until you feel your faith strengthen and your heart change.

Here’s how I might pray over Genesis 50:20 —

Father, help me understand this promise.

You are saying that whatever this person did to me — You meant for good.

Which means great good is coming to me from what they did.

But all I’m feeling now is that bad has come to me from what they did.

So — help me trust Your promise.

Your Word says that every trial can bring the good of Your nearness, love, and glory.

Do that for me now.

Satisfy me so fully in Yourself — that the loss they caused me is comforted.

As you pray over God’s promises you will feel the Holy Spirit strengthen your faith.

You will feel Him changing your heart.

Your bitterness will become peace.

Discouragement — hope.

Greed — contentment.

The flaming dart will be extinguished.

How have you experienced this?

I’d love to hear.  Leave a reply below — thanks!

If you know someone who’s facing a flaming dart — email this to them using the “share” button below.  Or use the buttons to share it on your favorite social media.

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And here’s some related posts you might find helpful —


(Picture by dbking on everystockphoto.)

Category: Overcoming Sin and Temptation


14 Responses

  1. Paul Walton says:

    “Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,”- Hebrews 5:8-9

    Most of us would rather prevent the flaming darts of suffering from finding their target, but the shield of faith only allows us to defend, and not to stop attacks. The shield extinguishes the darts but doesn’t prevent the darts from landing.

    I find it amazing that this verse tells us Christ learned from suffering, He learned obedience.
    That is fascinating. I thought that Jesus was perfect, He actually had to learn obedience? Yes He was God, but He was also very human. Christ became a perfect man through His suffering, through exercising His faith. I’m sure there are people who have all the answers as to why Christ was always perfect and didn’t have to “learn” anything, only this is not what the scripture tells us.

    This why Paul tells us we all will be judge by a man, the man Jesus Christ, because He has faced every temptation, just as us, and became the perfect man who is worthy to judge mankind.

  2. Paul Walton says:

    One final thought about a shield, they can help defend attacks from the front or sides but are not much help from an attack from the rear. Plus there are creases in all types of armor where arrows could find there way pass it, to inflict physical pain and even serious injury.

    If Christ could not fail, if He had no need to be made perfect, then he had an unfair distinct advantage over those whom He will judge in the end. His faith as well as ours will not prevent some arrows from finding their mark. We will suffer in this life if we truly are following Christ.

    “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.”-1 Peter 2:21

    His example of suffering for others and even suffering wrongfully when He was innocent takes true faith. To many in the body of Christ think that faith will prevent all fiery darts from ever finding their mark, that we should never have to suffer. But Christ learned obedience through suffering, being made perfect by it, and He is our example, we are to walk as He did.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Thanks again for your thoughts, Paul.

      I don’t think we should equate darts with suffering. Satan could use suffering to fire a dart of discouragement at us. But he can also use prosperity to fire a dart of lukewarmness at us.

      When Paul talks about flaming darts — he’s not talking about suffering. He’s talking about temptations Satan launches at us — pride, complacency, worry, lust, anger, discouragement.

      The shield of faith won’t keep suffering from hitting us. But it will extinguish every flaming dart.

      But because you equate darts with suffering, and rightly say that Christians suffer, you then have to say that faith won’t keep all darts from landing.

      But Paul says faith WILL keep all the darts from landing. That’s what effective shields do. And faith is an effective shield.

      Jesus’ faith extinguished every flaming dart Satan fired against Him. But Jesus also suffered greatly – and through this suffering He learned obedience.

      By faith we can also extinguish every flaming dart Satan fires against us. But we will also suffer greatly – and through suffering will learn obedience.

      Love you, brother,


      • Paul Walton says:


        I hear ya, in this context, that suffering or trials as it were, are not the actual darts, it make complete sense. This why you are the teacher and I am the student.

        love you too,

      • Paula says:

        what if the fiery darts are hurtful, hateful words from your husband? How do you take up a shield from those? I have struggled with this for many years now and CANNOT take up a stand against it any longer. I feel defeated, discouraged, hopeless….his words have hurt me to the core!

        • Steve Fuller says:

          Hi Paula —

          I am so sorry to hear about your pain, and your husband’s words.

          But I do believe that the shield of faith can extinguish something even that painful — as you trust God’s promise to comfort you, and to satisfy you in the truth of who He is.

          Do you have some godly women at your church who could pray with and for you? That might also be helpful.

          In Christ,

          Steve Fuller

  3. Danita Lanning says:

    This is truly amazing! I’ve been looking for answers to help in spiritual warfare. I’ve read countless books. Tried to look up verses on my own. Taken a class on spiritual warfare, but I still did not understand the type of flaming darts and how they related to my troubles. Yes, I knew Satan was the troublemaker but I didn’t understand exactly in so how in many ways. Finally someone has given excellent EXAMPLES of the type of flaming arrows and Bible verses and prayers to counteract. Wow, you have no idea what this means to me! Thank you so very much. Blessings from a sister in Christ.

  4. Olori says:

    Thank you very much for this. I was reading Eph 6 this morning and wanted to understand what is meant by fiery darts of the evil one. This post explained it simply. Thank you. By your post I also realised I was harbouring bitterness against people who have hurt me at work. I’ve asked for forgiveness from God and released those who offended me. Thank you again.

  5. angel says:

    Thank you, all of you. I have been having a few issues with these fiery darts. Its mostly with my mind though. I know that in Ephesians 6:11-18 we are suppose to put on the full amour of God. Which if thought of from head to toe would be. The helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, and your feet shod with preparation of the gospel of peace, taking up the shield of faith, wherein you shall be able to quench All the fiery darts of the wicked, and lastly, the sword of the Spirit. Watching with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. Some days are more difficult than others though. I have dreams a lot that wake me from a sound sleep and they wear me out at times. I sometes think that I am not saved because of the thoughts that poo up in my head, and the more I fight them the more theybecome more pronounced. If you do not mind..if anyone would be able to help a fellow believer out please do. I do not have a church building to go to but I do talk to God on a daily basis. Its just when I sin I feel like I can’t even lift my head up. I feel like a filthy rag slumped on the floor. I know Jesus loves me but sometimes I just can’t shake these thoughts. I saw you website and it helps a lot. I usually don’t write comments but I feel a pull to do so. Thank you for sharing the wisdom that God has given you and if it’s not to much please write back. Thank you and God bless you all.

    • Steve Fuller says:

      Thank you for sharing your story, Angel.

      My encouragement is that the way we know we are saved is because we are looking to Jesus by faith.

      Troubling dreams or bad thoughts do not show we are unsaved — every believer will experience these.

      And do you have a church with some wise and loving and godly believers who can pray with and for you?

      I think you would find that very helpful.

      In Christ,

      Steve Fuller

  6. itohan says:

    from my understanding,that ephesians 6.16 is more geared towards spiritual attacks,the suffer a believer goes through…start reading it from ephesians 10 to 13 thoroughly.against wickedness,evil day,against present darkness,against powers,against spiritual host,…then re-read it again,he said we wrestle not against flesh and blood,,you know so well lust,greed,gossip,anger are more prone or are things of the flesh which a true believer gifted with holyspirit in a sincere heart,with time these fleshy attributes are gradually meant to be dying off….then he says take the sword of the spirit….is not flesh battle but spiritual realm forces,remember the evil one come to read JOHN 10:10..And the john 10:10 is not for unbelievers,is not for believers with one leg in church,one leg out, for true belivers whom both legs are centred in christ alone and the devil knows them or by that ephesians 6:10-12 knows them…..


  7. itohan says:

    hi angel,
    you have to first keep luke 1:37 within you.yes we all go through it.tell yourself am not alone.but in a quiet tone within your heart,say nothing lasts forever.practically think look to a shoe you bought sometime and see how it has gradually faded,look at beautiful picture of one you know when young and see how he/she is now old,think of friends you had when young,how now you dont even know their where about any more,i could give you long list certainly dont want to do that.
    then by the power of the holyspirit,zechariah 4:6,you cant do it alone but with a sincere conscience heart,pour your heart to God,remember he sees the heart,you cant play smart with him.his name is jehova.he knows truly if the sin is rendering you helpless,tears,troubled conscience to stop it,or the sin is just oh have sin,God forgive me,no concerns.God is out to help.he loves you.
    for the thoughts,dont battle it if not you giving it a stronghold and rendering you captive.say you were cooking in kitchen,all of a sudden you hear someone knock on door,your attention is deviated.say you were driving and from far you see large group of people dress colourfully dancing so funny with christian song you love,your attention is deviated….start consciously gradually let this deviation be PROVERBS 4:20-23…..Keep doing what proverbs 4.20-23 says.because the more you doing it,is almost like you spending time with jehova physically like with 2friends having coffee gisting and because jehova and is word are one and he is light,the light starts pushing those thoughts away due to 1JOHN 1:5……AND LET YOUR daily activities in deeds and words be things that geared towards conscious of it not like a captive or slave but in freedom……pray to christ for these thoughts to depart from me in humbleness and sincere heart….ask anything in my name,jesus told you,you are his sheep,his sheep hear his voice and am happy you know he loves you.he doesnt just love you but intimately
    so glad happy when ever i see gathering of believers.
    the joy is rumbling within my spirit.

    i hope this help.

  8. itohan says:

    please next time that thought comes to you that you are not saved,please i repeat please cast it off.dump it off….that thought is not from our redeemer…look at salvation like this…think round of any baby that just being delivered…a new born baby..he cant be given birth again from womb…2cor5:17.the baby is born in hands of mum but rather you in hands of christ spiritually….but just like baby,child,teenage,adult,grandpa…these are all stages with christ…luke 8:12…you go through luke 8:13 but christ aim for you is luke 8:15 just like mums final aim for that baby is; this my daughter and my grand children with joy..perceive jesus smiling FROM the throne…make him glad …HEI hei did you hear the angels rejoice over what???heaven is waiting on you….YOU ARE SAVED…..YOU ARE SAVED….I REPEAT YOU ARE SAVED.


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